如何获取 APA 文档类中某一列的宽度?

如何获取 APA 文档类中某一列的宽度?

我正在使用 APA 文档类。我的文档有一些表格:

\title{This is the title}
\author{This is the author}

    This is some text so that you can see how wide each of the columns is in the document.

        1 & 2 \\

当我编译它时,宽度太宽,与列宽不匹配。我尝试用 替换\textwidth\linewidth但这也不起作用。

  • 如何设置表格以匹配 APA 文档类中的列宽?


APA 课程\tabular以一种彻底令人困惑的方式重新定义tabularx


\title{This is the title}
\author{This is the author}





This is some text so that you can see how wide each of the columns is in the document.
This is some text so that you can see how wide each of the columns is in the document.



