如何使用 BibTeX 在参考文献部分中包含引文的完整摘要?

如何使用 BibTeX 在参考文献部分中包含引文的完整摘要?


.bib 文件(由 Mendeley 生成)的摘要指定如下:

abstract = {really long abstract},
author = {Author, F M},
journal = {Nano Letters},
keywords = {key,words},
number = {12},
pages = {2728--2735},
title = {{The Title}},
volume = {6},
year = {2006}




[1] FM 作者。标题。[摘要在此处或任何地方纳米字母, 6(12):2728-2735, 2006.



如下例所示,参考书目样式并未设计为在和字段abstract中输出信息(即使存在) 。如果字段中存在任何 TeX 特殊字符(例如、、和) ,则必须按照通常的 TeX/LaTeX 语法规则使用反斜杠字符对其进行转义。如果字段恰好包含任何段落分隔符(如下例所示),则必须插入适当位置的指令才能保留段落分隔符。urldoi$%#&abstractabstract\par



   title  = "The {Tax Reform Act} of 1986:  Comment on the 25th Anniversary",
   author = "Martin S. Feldstein",
   institution = "National Bureau of Economic Research",
   type   = "Working Paper",
   series = "Working Paper Series",
   number = "17531",
   year   = "2011",
   month  = "October",
   doi    = "10.3386/w17531", 
   URL    = "http://www.nber.org/papers/w17531",
   abstract = {The Tax Reform Act of 1986 was a powerful pro-growth force 
         for the American economy.  Equally important, as we look back on it 
         after 25 years, we also see that it taught us two important 
         lessons.  First, it showed that politicians with very different 
         political philosophies on the right and on the left could agree on 
         a major program of tax rate reduction and tax reform.  Second, it 
         showed that the amount of taxable income is very sensitive to 
         marginal tax rates. 
         More specifically, the evidence based on the 1986 tax rate 
         reductions shows that the response of taxpayers to reductions in 
         marginal tax rates offsets a substantial portion of the revenue 
         that would otherwise be lost.  This implies that combining a 
         broadening of the tax base that raises revenue equal to 10 percent 
         of existing personal income tax revenue with a 10 percent across 
         the board cut in all marginal tax rates would raise revenue equal 
         to about four percent of existing tax revenue.  With personal 
         income tax revenue in 2011 of about \$1 trillion, that four percent 
         increase in net revenue would be \$40 billion at the current level 
         of taxable income or more than \$500 billion over the next ten 

\usepackage{url} % doesn't get used since "abstract" bib style doesn't show contents of 'url' fields

