关于 beamer 主题的问题

关于 beamer 主题的问题

我非常喜欢 beamer 主题“Air”(您可以通过页面中的“Nice Air based template for Latex”链接找到它http://www.kde.org/kdeslides/)。但有时,在幻灯片中,我的文本有点太长,如果我可以撤回顶部的 air-header.png,那就太好了。所以,你能帮我吗?事实上,我认为最好的想法是修改 ,其中beamerthemeAir.sty包含以下部分:

  \vskip -1.95cm

  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth,ht=0.3\beamer@headheight]{Title bar}
    \usebeamerfont{section in head/foot}%

  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\paperwidth,ht=0.7\beamer@headheight]{Title bar}

变成可选项,例如,只有当幻灯片的标题带有 时,它才会出现\frametitle。如果您不知道,请告诉我,我会从文件中删除此部分sty






  \frametitle{Prerequisites \& Goals}
  \framesubtitle{Knowledge is a brick wall that you raise line by line forever}
    \item Obviously some basic LaTeX knowledge is necessary
    \item Some more features will be provided here

    \item You'll learn them by looking at this presentation source
    \item You'll learn them by looking at this presentation source

    \item Learn how to make well structured slides
    \item Using a beautiful theme (congrats to the Oxygen team!)
    \item Take over the world
    \item Relax...

  \frametitle{Prerequisites \& Goals}
  \framesubtitle{Knowledge is a brick wall that you raise line by line forever}
    \item Obviously some basic LaTeX knowledge is necessary
    \item Some more features will be provided here

    \item You'll learn them by looking at this presentation source
    \item You'll learn them by looking at this presentation source

    \item Learn how to make well structured slides
    \item Using a beautiful theme (congrats to the Oxygen team!)
    \item Take over the world
    \item Relax...

  \frametitle{Prerequisites \& Goals}
  \framesubtitle{Knowledge is a brick wall that you raise line by line forever}
    \item Obviously some basic LaTeX knowledge is necessary
    \item Some more features will be provided here

    \item You'll learn them by looking at this presentation source
    \item You'll learn them by looking at this presentation source

    \item Learn how to make well structured slides
    \item Using a beautiful theme (congrats to the Oxygen team!)
    \item Take over the world
    \item Relax...





