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代码示例从 15 页缩短为,但仍然太长:
\title{\textit{mnp} Model}
\author{ Gregg Hauser}
% lousy job of formatting the page - heading and page number are way left of center ...
%chapter Unsolved Problems in Physics
\textit{mnp} Model and the Unsolved Problems in Physics\\
http:\slash \slash en.wikipedia.org\slash wiki\slash List\_of\_unsolved\_problems\_in\_physics\\
\newskip\LTpre \LTpre=0pt
\newskip\LTpost \LTpost=0pt
\begin{longtable}{ p{1in} p{.7in} p{3.5in} p{1.5in} }
% use & to separate \\ \hline to end
Category\slash Issue & Date & Comments & Confidence \\ \hline
hetable\ -- \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\ %% \hline
Category\slash Issue & Date & Comments & Confidence \\ \hline
\multicolumn{4}{l}{\textbf{Quantum gravity, cosmology, general relativity}} \\ %% \hline
\raggedright Vacuum catastrophe & 2011-11-05 & 10\^14 GV\slash m3 as vacuum energy density (higher than other numbers?) -
does that suggest that a figment has a known size? In the \textit{mnp} Model a cubic meter of space could be empty
or could have an integer number of figments. Gravity (m-figments) would still work through such a region
(no gravitational effects in truly empty regions, though). Particles might “stop” but would be bringing in figments,
so will not stay in place. In “our neighborhood”, if each
(calculated) 1x10\^-9erg per cm\^3 or 10\^-16J or 6.2415x10\^2eV per cm\^3 or 6.2415x10\^11eV\slash m\^3 & low \tabularnewline %% \hline
Quantum Gravity & 2011-11-05 & The nature of the \textit{mnp} Model.
The model suggests that objects appear lighter to heavier than terrestrial gravity would suggest as follows:
black holes appear lighter (and lighter yet from other galaxies),
terrestrial objects appear “normal” at intermediate distances but lighter at inter galactic distances,
emissive objects like the sun appear heavier than terrestrial objects at all distances,
but may appear “lighter” as the distance increases,
and massively emissive objects such as super novas appear much more massive than they (were).
Gravity is propagated at the speed of light (and less). & high \\ %% \hline
Black Holes & 2011-11-05 & The “thermal” radiation emitted by black holes is m-figments,
which are emitted (and need to be emitted so that black holes participate in gravitation).
“Information” in the number of m, n, and p figments remains. Structures remain,
though the \textit{mnp} Model sees more rearrangements of structure than particle physics does.
Neutrinos may pass through black holes, though greater contents may reduce the odds of transit.
The neutrinos emerging would be mediators of (long distance) gravity as well. & high \\ %% \hline
\raggedright Quasiparticles and Phonons & 2011-10-29 & Looking at the Wikipedia phonon article,
the suggestion that Fourier analysis proves quantum effects strikes the author as a tautology.
A finite Fourier transform on a finite field will only yield wavelengths as integral multiples
(or rational fractions at best) which when inverted will leave continuities out of the picture.
Fourier analysis is very useful for calculation and maybe for understanding "points of view" and possibly for finding valleys or peaks in potential.
The author is not comfortable with discrete analysis creating quasi particles that then interact with electrons.
Maybe better left unsaid in professional company. & medium low
\tabularnewline %% \hline
unreviewed 2012-08-12
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\title{\textit{mnp} Model}
\author{Gregg Hauser}
%chapter Unsolved Problems in Physics
\noindent\textit{mnp} Model and the Unsolved Problems in Physics\\
\setlength{\LTleft}{0pt plus 1fill minus 1fill}%
\begin{longtable}{@{} p{1in} p{.7in} p{3.5in} p{1.5in}@{}}
% use & to separate \\ \hline to end
Category\slash Issue & Date & Comments & Confidence \\ \midrule
{\tablename\ \thetable\ -- \textit{Continued from previous page}} \\ \midrule
Category\slash Issue & Date & Comments & Confidence \\ \midrule
\multicolumn{4}{@{}l}{\textbf{Quantum gravity, cosmology, general relativity}} \\\midrule
\raggedright Vacuum catastrophe & 2011-11-05 & 10\^14 GV\slash m3 as vacuum energy density (higher than other numbers?) -
does that suggest that a figment has a known size? In the \textit{mnp} Model a cubic meter of space could be empty
or could have an integer number of figments. Gravity (m-figments) would still work through such a region
(no gravitational effects in truly empty regions, though). Particles might “stop” but would be bringing in figments,
so will not stay in place. In “our neighborhood”, if each
(calculated) 1x10\^-9erg per cm\^3 or 10\^-16J or 6.2415x10\^2eV per cm\^3 or 6.2415x10\^11eV\slash m\^3 & low \tabularnewline \midrule
Quantum Gravity & 2011-11-05 & The nature of the \textit{mnp} Model.
The model suggests that objects appear lighter to heavier than terrestrial gravity would suggest as follows:
black holes appear lighter (and lighter yet from other galaxies),
terrestrial objects appear “normal” at intermediate distances but lighter at inter galactic distances,
emissive objects like the sun appear heavier than terrestrial objects at all distances,
but may appear “lighter” as the distance increases,
and massively emissive objects such as super novas appear much more massive than they (were).
Gravity is propagated at the speed of light (and less). & high \\ \midrule
Black Holes & 2011-11-05 & The “thermal” radiation emitted by black holes is m-figments,
which are emitted (and need to be emitted so that black holes participate in gravitation).
“Information” in the number of m, n, and p figments remains. Structures remain,
though the \textit{mnp} Model sees more rearrangements of structure than particle physics does.
Neutrinos may pass through black holes, though greater contents may reduce the odds of transit.
The neutrinos emerging would be mediators of (long distance) gravity as well. & high \\ \midrule
\raggedright Quasiparticles and Phonons & 2011-10-29 & Looking at the Wikipedia phonon article,
the suggestion that Fourier analysis proves quantum effects strikes the author as a tautology.
A finite Fourier transform on a finite field will only yield wavelengths as integral multiples
(or rational fractions at best) which when inverted will leave continuities out of the picture.
Fourier analysis is very useful for calculation and maybe for understanding "points of view" and possibly for finding valleys or peaks in potential.
The author is not comfortable with discrete analysis creating quasi particles that then interact with electrons.
Maybe better left unsaid in professional company. & medium low
\tabularnewline \midrule
unreviewed 2012-08-12