编辑以提供 MWE

编辑以提供 MWE

在我的文档中有一个“图 1”,我使用\put(x,y){(a) Some text description here.}[针对 (a) 和 (b)]命令手动将部分标记为“(a)”和“(b)”。

我正在使用\label{label name here}“图 1”标题内的命令来\ref{label name here}产生所需的效果,但有一件事除外。​​目前,我的文本中有

...如图 1(a) 所示。



\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, citecolor=ForestGreen, linkcolor=Red, urlcolor=Blue}


编辑以提供 MWE


\geometry{top=1.0in, bottom=1.2in, left=1.2in, right=1.2in}


\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, citecolor=ForestGreen, linkcolor=Red, urlcolor=Blue}


\noindent Some text here to talk about the first part of the figure followed by a reference to see Figure \ref{Figure1}(a). Some text here to talk about the second part of the figure followed by a reference to see Figure \ref{Figure1}(b).

\put(-1,2.65){\footnotesize{(a) Some text describing the first part.}}
\put(-1,-0.45){\footnotesize{(b)Some text describing the second part.}}
\parbox{5.4in}{\vspace{0.5in}\caption{\normalsize{The caption for Figure 1 goes here. Both parts of Figure 1 are described. \label{Figure1}}}}







以下修改后的 MWE 形式显示了如何实现这一点。它有三个\caption指令\label,分别用于子图和整体图。

\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} % remove demo option for real program
\geometry{top=1.0in, bottom=1.2in, left=1.2in, right=1.2in}
\captionsetup[sub]{size=footnotesize} % optional

\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, citecolor=ForestGreen, linkcolor=Red, urlcolor=Blue}


Some text here to talk about the first part of the figure followed by a 
reference to Figure~\ref{fig:1a}. Some text here to talk about the second 
part of the figure followed by a reference to Figure~\ref{fig:1b}.


\begin{subfigure}{0.5\textwidth} % or whatever dimension is desired
\caption{Some text describing the first part.} 

\caption{Some text describing the second part.}

\caption{The caption for Figure 1 goes here. Both parts of Figure 1 are described.} 


