用于排版小说的 LaTeX 模板

用于排版小说的 LaTeX 模板

我想用 LaTeX 排版一本小说。你能推荐一些模板给我吗?

我的意思是一个模板(一些 .tex 文件),我可以在其中包含我的 chapterN.tex 文件(主要是纯文本)并获得一个相当不错的设计而无需任何工作:)




此 LaTeX 模板用于排版小说或叙事。它对刚接触 LaTeX 的人最有用,对已经经常使用它的普通学者或科学家则没有用。请注意整体结构和输入语句,这些语句将 LaTeX 引导至相关章节文件,这些文件可以单独输入。(最好特别注意长篇小说的组织)

在您准备好实际使用模板之前,请将其添加到序言中以进行测试,以生成虚拟文本而不是空的 chapter.tex 文件: \usepackage{babel,blindtext}然后注释掉语句\input并替换\blindtext为短虚拟文本或\Blindtext更长的虚拟​​文本。


\author{Your Name} \title{Your Novel} \date{YourDate}
%                     % end preamble
   \begin{document}   % start document
   \frontmatter       % the front of the book has roman numerals
\input{copyright}\clearpage   % type up a copyright.tex file if necessary
\input{dedication}\clearpage  % type up a .tex file if necessary
\chapter*{Foreword}           % \chapter* (* excludes from Contents)
\input{Foreword}\clearpage    % type a Foreward.tex file if necessary
\input{Prologe}\clearpage     % type a Prologe.tex file if you like
\maketitle\tableofcontents    % generates a titlepage and Contents
   \mainmatter        % the main part of the book will have standard pages
   \part{Book One etc.}       % comment this out as necessary
\input{chapter01}     % type a chapter01.tex etc.
\input{chapter02}     % type a chapter01.tex etc.
\input{chapter03}     % type a chapter01.tex etc.
   \part{Book Two etc.}       % comment this out as necessary
\input{chapter04}     % type a chapter01.tex etc.
\input{chapter05}     % type a chapter01.tex etc.
\input{chapter06}     % type a chapter01.tex etc.
% options: move these to the preamble if desired   %
\usepackage{microtype} % use this to improve typography
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{XCharter} % fully featured font set
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % enable unicode quotation marks for dialog
\usepackage{hyphenat}\hyphenation{my-word, hyphen-ate, never, hyphen} 
\includeonly{file,file,etc}% \input can be replaced with \include. 
%                          % However it adds a page break. \include adds
%                          % to the useful ability of \includeonly, which
%                          % if placed in the preamble will generate a
%                          % correctly page numbered pdf, but with only
%                          % the files listed in \includeonly. That may
%                          % useful for testing only specific files.  
% google ``ctan novel'' for more packages that might add flare


阅读一些基本材料后,您可以以任何方式重新定义任何宏。模板需要 LaTeX(或 TeX)。最终用户不需要。但这是解析文本、转换器或模板生成器的问题。

\chapter{Walter Wombat's morning}


在这种情况下,LyX/LaTeX 对我来说似乎有点过头了。我宁愿使用带有以下“序言”的纯 PDFTeX,例如:

\input plnfss % using Plain NFSS 
\usefont{LY1}{ppl}{m}{n} % and setting Palatino in texnansi encoding as the main font
\pdfpagewidth=5.5 true in \pdfpageheight=8.5 true in % adjust as necessary
\textwidth=3.5 true in \textheight=6.5 true in % idem: 1 in margins everywhere
\hoffset=0 true in \voffset=0 true in % adjust to make margins
\uselanguage{spanish} % assuming your format includes etex.src and language.def
                      % with spanish hyphenation patterns preloaded

\textbf{Capítulo 1} % plnfss commands are now available

En un lugar de la Mancha, de cuyo nombre no me puedo acordar...


确保将源文件编码设置为 Win1252/ISOLatin1,以使文本和字体编码一致。
