有没有一种简单的方法来检查 PGFPLOTS 中的 \addplot(+) table [...] 命令是否绘制了任何点?原因是我想动态处理数据,如果图为空,则应省略图例。
以下是 MWE:
/tr/rowfilter/.style 2 args={
/pgfplots/x filter/.append code={
x y kind
1 10 a
1 20 a
2 13 b
2 15 b
\begin{axis}[filter discard warning=false]
\addplot table[/tr/rowfilter={kind}{a},/tr/rowfilter={x}{2}] {diagram.dat}; % if the plot doesn't contain curve a,
\addlegendentry{curve a} % <- don't execute this line
\addplot table[/tr/rowfilter={kind}{b},/tr/rowfilter={x}{2}] {diagram.dat};
\addlegendentry{curve b}
\begin{axis}[filter discard warning=false]
\addplot table[/tr/rowfilter={kind}{a},/tr/rowfilter={x}{1}] {diagram.dat};
\addlegendentry{curve a}
\addplot table[/tr/rowfilter={kind}{b},/tr/rowfilter={x}{2}] {diagram.dat};
\addlegendentry{curve b}
第一个图中的图例是错误的:该线属于曲线 b 的数据集!我想到了 \newif\ifplotexists 之类的东西,但是,由于有两个过滤器,如何决定是否应设置 \plotexistsfalse 或 \plotexiststrue?
使用,则仅当图表未完全过滤掉时才会添加图例条目:execute at end plot visualization=...
/tr/rowfilter/.style 2 args={
/pgfplots/x filter/.append code={
x y kind
1 10 a
1 20 a
2 13 b
2 15 b
\begin{axis}[filter discard warning=false]
\addplot +[execute at end plot visualization=\addlegendentry{A}] table[/tr/rowfilter={kind}{a},/tr/rowfilter={x}{2}] {diagram.dat}; % if the plot doesn't contain curve a, % <- don't execute this line
\addplot +[execute at end plot visualization=\addlegendentry{B}] table[/tr/rowfilter={kind}{b},/tr/rowfilter={x}{2}] {diagram.dat};
\begin{axis}[filter discard warning=false]
\addplot +[execute at end plot visualization=\addlegendentry{A}] table[/tr/rowfilter={kind}{a},/tr/rowfilter={x}{1}] {diagram.dat};
\addplot +[execute at end plot visualization=\addlegendentry{B}] table[/tr/rowfilter={kind}{b},/tr/rowfilter={x}{2}] {diagram.dat};