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author = "Dixon, R.M.W.",
year = "2002",
title = "Australian {L}anguages: Their {N}ature and {D}evelopment",
publisher = "New York: Cambridge University Press"
author = "Harrison, John P.",
year = "1910",
title = "A {B}rief {D}escription of the {T}ewa {L}anguage",
journal = "American Anthropologist",
volume = "12\textnormal{(2)}",
pages = "497--504"
author = "Jackendoff, Ray",
year = "1983",
title = "Semantics and {C}ognition",
publisher = "Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press"
author = "Jackendoff, Ray",
year = "1996",
title = "The architecture of the linguistic--spatial interface",
booktitle = "Language and {S}pace",
volume = "14\textnormal{(2)}",
editor = "Bloom, P. and Peterson, M. A. and Nadel, L. and Garrett, M. F.",
pages = "1--30"
author = "Koopman, Hilda",
year = "1977",
title = "Prepositions, {P}ostpositions, {C}ircumpositions, and {P}articles: The {S}tructure of {D}utch {PP}s"
author = "Kroskrity, Paul",
year = "1978",
title = "Aspects of {S}yntactic and {S}emantic {V}ariation within the {A}rizona {T}ewa {S}peech {C}ommunity",
journal = "Anthropological Linguistics",
volume = "20\textnormal{(6)}",
pages = "235--257"
author = "Kroskrity, Paul",
year = "1978a",
title = "On the {L}exical {I}ntegrity of {A}rizona {T}ewa /-d\'i/: {A} {P}rincipled {C}hoice between {H}omophony and {P}olysemy",
journal = "International Journal of American Linguistics",
volume = "44\textnormal{(1)}",
pages = "24--30",
author = "Kroskrity, P. and Healing, D.",
year = "1981",
title = "Coyote-{W}oman and the {D}eer {C}hildren ({A}rizona {T}ewa)",
journal = "Coyote Stories II",
pages = "119--128",
publisher = "Chicago: University of Chicago Press"
author = "Kroskrity, Paul",
year = "1985",
title = "A {H}olistic {U}nderstanding of {A}rizona {T}ewa {P}assives",
journal = "Language",
volume = "61\textnormal{(2)}",
pages = "302--328"
author = "Svenonius, Peter",
title = "Spatial {P} in {E}nglish",
booktitle = "Cartography of Syntactic Structures",
volume = "6",
year = "2010",
editor = "Guglielmo Cinque and Luigi Rizzi",
publisher = "Oxford University Press",
howpublished = "\url{http://ling.auf.net/lingBuzz/000001}"
author = "Kroskrity, Paul",
year = "2010",
title = "Arizona {T}ewa {K}iva {S}peech as a {M}anifestation of {L}inguistic {I}deology",
journal = "Pragmatics",
volume = "3\textnormal{(3)}",
pages = "297--309"
author = "Martinez, Esther \& Povijua, Peter",
year = "1983",
title = "San {J}uan {P}ueblo {T}ewa {D}ictionary",
publisher = "Portales, NM: Bishop Publishing Co.; A production of the San Juan Pueblo Bilingual Program"
author = "Martinez, Esther",
year = "1984",
title = "Tewa {T}ales",
publisher = "Unknown Publisher"
author = "Saeed, John I.",
year = "1997",
title = "Semantics",
publisher = "United Kingdom: Blackwell Publishing"
author = "Svenonius, Peter",
year = "2006",
title = "The {E}mergence of {A}xial {P}arts",
journal = "Nordlyd: Troms\o{} Working Papers in Linguistics",
volume = "\textnormal{Special issue on adpositions}, 33 \textnormal{(1)}",
editor = "Peter Svenonius \& Marina Pantcheva",
pages = "49--77",
publisher = "Troms\o: CASTL",
howpublished = "\url{http://septentrio.uit.no/index.php/nordlyd/article/view/85}"
author = "Adger, D. and Harbour, D. and Watkins, L. J.",
year = "2009",
title = "Mirrors and {M}icroparameters: Phrase {S}tructure {B}eyond {F}ree {W}ord {O}rder",
publisher = "New York: Cambridge University Press"
author = "Harbour, D. and Watkins, L. and Adger, D.",
year = "2012",
title = "Information structure, discourse structure, and noun phrase position in {K}iowa",
journal = "International Journal of American Linguistics",
volume = "78\textnormal{(1)}",
pages = "97--126"
author = "Lewis, M. P. (ed.)",
year = "2009",
title = "Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Sixteenth edition",
publisher = "Dallas, Tex.: SIL International",
howpublished = "Online version: \url{http://www.ethnologue.com/}"
author = "Mithun, M.",
year = "1992",
title = "Is basic word order universal?",
editor = "Payne, D.",
booktitle = "Pragmatics of {W}ord {O}rder {F}lexibility",
pages = "15--62",
publisher = "Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins"