让 biblatex 将文本引用中的不同作者姓名视为同一作者

让 biblatex 将文本引用中的不同作者姓名视为同一作者

有人写了几本书,但在包含和/或缩写中间名方面,他在每本书中的做法不一致。当我在文本中引用这位作者时,我想biblatex将他名字的所有不同版本视为同一作者。我可以使用 强制执行此操作以对参考书目进行排序sortname,但我该如何强制执行此操作以对文本引用进行排序?

以下示例说明了文本引文如何将“Paul J[ohn] Smith”视为与“Paul John Smith”和“Paul Smith”不同的作者。第一个引文应显示为 (Smith 2002),第二个引文应显示为 (2001a, 2001b, 2002)。

        bibstyle = authoryear,
        citestyle = authoryear-comp,
        dashed = false,
        sorting = nyt,
        sortcites = false,
        language = american,
        abbreviate = false,
        backend = biber]{biblatex}
    AUTHOR = "Paul John Smith",
    TITLE = "My first book",  
    YEAR = "2001"}

    AUTHOR = "Paul Smith",
    TITLE = "My second book",  
    YEAR = "2001",
    SORTNAME = "Paul John Smith"}

    AUTHOR = "Paul J[ohn] Smith",
    TITLE = "My third book",  
    YEAR = "2002",
    SORTNAME = "Paul John Smith"}
Some clever guy said that \parencite{smith2002}.
In fact, Paul Smith has talked about this several times \parencite*{smith2001a,smith2001b,smith2002}.



现在有一个 biblatex 宏接口用于源映射功能,您可以将其放在您的序言中:

       \step[fieldsource=author, match=\regexp{Paul\s+(?:J\S+\s+)?Smith}, final]
       \step[fieldset=shortauthor, fieldvalue={Smith, Paul John}]
       \step[fieldset=sortname, fieldvalue={Smith, Paul John}]



这只是为了展示上述 PLK 的解决方案在实践中是如何发挥作用的:

        bibstyle = authoryear,
        citestyle = authoryear-comp,
        dashed = false,
        sorting = nyt,
        sortcites = false,
        language = american,
        abbreviate = false,
        backend = biber]{biblatex}
    AUTHOR = "Paul John Smith",
    TITLE = "My first book",  
    YEAR = "2001"}

    AUTHOR = "Paul Smith",
    TITLE = "My second book",  
    YEAR = "2001",
    SORTNAME = "Paul John Smith"}

    AUTHOR = "Paul J[ohn] Smith",
    TITLE = "My third book",  
    YEAR = "2002",
    SORTNAME = "Paul John Smith"}
       \step[fieldsource=author, match=\regexp{Paul\s+(?:J\S+\s+)?Smith}, final]
       \step[fieldset=shortauthor, fieldvalue={Smith, Paul John}]
       \step[fieldset=sortname, fieldvalue={Smith, Paul John}]
Some clever guy said that \parencite{smith2002}.
In fact, Paul Smith has talked about this several times \parencite*{smith2001a,smith2001b,smith2002}.

