

是否可以\vspace{-\baselineskip}在环境启动之前添加一个内部,例如 longtable (或其他环境} 以使其生效?MWE 没有效果。




\vspace{-\baselineskip} \\ % this has no effect
                           % why \\ are really needed since caption has them?
\caption{testing table} \\
aaaa & bbbb \\
cccc & dddd \\


存在 MWE 在 LOT 中引用混乱的问题。



%\usepackage{threeparttable} % the package below already loads it

    {\TPT@hookin{tabular}\TPT@hookin{tabu}} % allow threeparttable with tabu

\makeatletter % fix referencing of LOT while using longtabu
    \newcommand{\setdummy}{\refstepcounter{dummy} \\}
    \let\oldlongtabu\longtabu\def\dummytabu{\vspace{-\baselineskip}\oldlongtabu} % correct the \\ in \setdummy





% LOT reference does not work
\item[a] \label{tn:aa} A note
\item[b] Another note
\caption{A long table 1}
\label{tab:test1} \\
Column 1 & Column 2 \\
Column 1 & Column 2 \\
% the contents of the table
A& B\tnotex{tn:aa} \\
%\newpage % just testing page break
C\tnote{b} & D \\


% LOT reference works fine
\item[a] \label{tn:bb} A note
\item[b] Another note
\caption{A long table 2}
\label{tab:test2} \\
Column 1 & Column 2 \\
Column 1 & Column 2 \\
% the contents of the table
A& B\tnotex{tn:bb} \\
%\newpage % just testing page break
C\tnote{b} & D \\


% LOT reference works fine (with vskip correction)
\item[a] \label{tn:cc} A note
\item[b] Another note
\dummycap{A long table 3}
\label{tab:test3} \\
Column 1 & Column 2 \\
Column 1 & Column 2 \\
% the contents of the table
A& B\tnotex{tn:cc} \\
%\newpage % just testing page break
C\tnote{b} & D \\





\item[a] \label{tn:aa} A note
\item[b] Another note
\caption{A long table 1}
\label{tab:test1} \\



longtable\LTpre在表格前插入长度为(默认为)的 vskip \bigskipammount,因此要更改表格前的垂直空间,请使用\setlength或更改此长度\addtolength。使用\vspace您显示的位置将其放在第一行的第一个单元格中,这是一个l条目,因此水平框中的垂直跳过不起作用。所以效果只是添加尽管名义上指定了负跳过,但表格前却有一个空白行。
