

给定一个标记列表(例如\a\b\c或 ){ab}c,我将第一个项目定义为\@gobble将作为其参数的内容(回想一下定义\long\def\@gobble#1{})。设计一个从标记列表中提取第一个项目的宏并不难,例如,将其包装在 eTeX 的 中\unexpanded

\message{"\firstofmany{\a\b\c}"} % => "\a "
\message{"\firstofmany{ { ab} c}"} % => " ab"





它还使用不平衡的右括号作为右分隔符,但由于它使用\expanded原语,因此不必确保宏始终位于输入的左侧以确保 f 型扩展中的安全。



\test{\firstofmany{ a bc}}
\test{\firstofmany{ {a\a} bc}}
\test{\firstofmany{ {a\a} abc abc abc}}
\test{\firstofmany{ }}

\csname stop\endcsname
\csname bye\endcsname

为了获得与 Bruno 的答案中的代码相同的行为,可以\unexpanded像这样在其周围放置另一个代码:



\test{\firstofmany{ a bc}}
\test{\firstofmany{ {a\a} bc}}
\test{\firstofmany{ {a\a} abc abc abc}}
\test{\firstofmany{ }}

\csname stop\endcsname
\csname bye\endcsname


如果您允许一些 pdftex 原语,我认为您可以这样做,它使用整个输入列表作为标记。






\message{"\firstofmany{\a\b\c}"} % => "\a "
\message{"\firstofmany{ { ab} c}"} % => " ab"










思考我可能找到了一个纯 eTeX 解决方案。我用我能想到的所有方法尝试了它,它似乎有效……除了空白列表(错误)和以空格开头的列表(空格被忽略)。但无论如何,上面提到的这些都不重要。



  1. 该列表已去标记化。(因此仅适用于 eTeX。)

  2. 在去标记化版本中,括号组被计数。(这部分可以通过使用 TeX 的宏参数解析机制进行优化。但在这个阶段,我是为了清晰度而不是速度而实现的。)假设{}(并且只有这些)有 catcode 1 和 2,但我相信这可以很容易地推广。

    *外部组的数量以适当长度的 s列表的形式传递。


  3. 这个想法是使用 来拆解组\string:将左括号字符串化,然后吞掉。然而,问题是如何扩展 and \string\gobble我们*基于 的“计数器”挡住了路……(顺便说一句,在我看来,将计数器传递出去(作为参数列表的一部分)完全不可能解除分组列表,因为我们不想使用固定分隔符。)

    解决方案的一部分是\let*\expandafter。我们需要在 -counter 后扩展两个宏*,这样我们就会穿过星星两次,所以其中的 1/4 将保留下来。但是当我们将计数器“乘以”四时,一切都很好。:-)

  4. 拆散群组后,我们可以轻松访问第一个项目。确实,我们需要对群组等第一个项目多加小心,但总的来说,这部分更繁琐而不是创新。

  5. 魔法剩下的唯一部分就是吞噬。我们交替吞噬外层组和它们之间的标记。因为我们知道有多少外层组,所以我们知道什么时候停止,所以我们不会遇到现在孤独的右括号(当然,我们最终会为他提供一个伙伴)。

    \def\gobble...#{我们使用技巧 (TeXbook p.204)吞噬外部组之间的标记。


% use \onefi etc after these


% Detokenize (while preserving the original)

\catcode`*=13  % we'll be counting stars
\def\if@zero\if#1#2/{%   % zero test

{\catcode`(=1 \catcode`)=2 (\catcode`{=12 \catcode`}=12


% Count the number of outer brace pairs
% Note 1: This macro is very non-optimized... it should use TeX's macro
% argument parsing mechanism to search for { and }, and shouldn't use
% all these \afterfi-s, I used this approach just for clarity.
% Note 2: This macro expects precisely { and } to be of catcode 1 and 2.
% This could be fixed, but it's not worth the effort at this point.
% Args: #1#2 = detokenized, #3 = n, #4 = depth
% --> letters are safe delimiters, because \detokenize produces `other's
% We save the very first token for later (#5 below).
  \ifx#1d% end of detokenized string
    \ifx#1{% { found ==> increase depth
      \if@zero\if#4//% { found at zero depth ==> increase n 
      \ifx#1}% } found => decrease depth
      \else % neither { not } found ==> go to next char

)}  % back to normal braces

% Remove the initial brace.
% *s are quadrapled to expand first \string (followed by }, we know)
% and \gobble, thus destroying the group; we will be left with the
% original number of *s
\def\fom@removeopeningbrace#1#2{% #2=***** (n), #1=the first *token*
  #2#2#2#2\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter e%

% Insert a dummy group (and a *) after the first item. We will
% start gobbling by gobbling to a group and this would fail if there
% were none.  This needs to be done before checking for group below,
% so that we have enough *s.

% Group as the first item requires special attention.  (Note: space
% would need it as well, but space never get here anyway: it
% dissapears when \fom@countfirstlevelgroups is expanded.)
% #1 = the first token of the detokenized first item (will be now
% finally discarded)
% #2#3 = *s (if we will find an opening brace, one * will be removed)
% Put extra braces around the first item which is a group.

% Get the first item, then call the gobblers: insert two markers
% instead of one, the gobblers need them.

% Gobble: we know how many groups we have (as many as *s), so we
% can gobble by alternating \fom@gobbletogroup...#3#{...}
% and \fom@gobblegroup...#3{...}
% #1#2=*s, #3=toks before group; but first check if there are any
% *s left!

% #1#2=*s, #3=the group


\message{"\firstofmany{#1\fom@gobblegroup{\par #1  # @@@ef

aa}a**aa{first} l{ine{%
}s}econd line} efef "}




\message{"\firstofmany{\a\b\c}"} % => "\a "
\message{"\firstofmany{ { ab} c}"} % => " ab"

