但不知道该如何将 应用于此\centering\arraybackslash
以下是生成该表的 LaTeX 代码:
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
\large\textbf{Redirection} & \large\textbf{Description} \\
\verb|> file| & Redirect standard output (stdout) to a file. \\
\verb|1> file| & Same as \verb|> file|. \verb|1| is the default file descriptor for stdout. \\
\verb|2> file| & Redirect standard error (stderr) to a file. \verb|2| is the default file descriptor for stderr. \\
\verb|>> file| & Append stdout to a file. \\
\verb|2>> file| & Append stderr to a file. \\
\verb|&> file| & Redirect stdout and stderr to a file. \\
\verb|>file 2>&1| & Another way to redirect both stdout and stderr to a file. This \textbf{is not} the same as \verb|2>&1 >file|. \textbf{Redirection order matters!} \\
\verb|> /dev/null| & Discard stdout. \\
\verb|2> /dev/null| & Discard stderr. \\
\verb|&> /dev/null| & Discard stdout and stderr. \\
\verb|< file| & Redirect the contents of the file to the stdin. \\
\verb|<< EOL| \\
\verb|foo| \\
\verb|bar| \\
\verb|baz| \\
\verb|EOL| & Redirect a bunch of lines to the stdin. \\
不带前导符号的 会创建只有一列的行。这就是表格右边缘部分缺失的原因。相反,您可以使用\par
\large\textbf{Redirection} & \large\textbf{Description} \\
\verb|> file| & Redirect standard output (stdout) to a file. \\
\verb|1> file| & Same as \verb|> file|. \verb|1| is the default file descriptor for stdout. \\
\verb|2> file| & Redirect standard error (stderr) to a file. \verb|2| is the default file descriptor for stderr. \\
\verb|>> file| & Append stdout to a file. \\
\verb|2>> file| & Append stderr to a file. \\
\verb|&> file| & Redirect stdout and stderr to a file. \\
\verb|>file 2>&1| & Another way to redirect both stdout and stderr to a file. This \textbf{is not} the same as \verb|2>&1 >file|. \textbf{Redirection order matters!} \\
\verb|> /dev/null| & Discard stdout. \\
\verb|2> /dev/null| & Discard stderr. \\
\verb|&> /dev/null| & Discard stdout and stderr. \\
\verb|< file| & Redirect the contents of the file to the stdin. \\
\verb+<< EOL+\par
& Redirect a bunch of lines to the stdin. \\
有一些错误。你用 来结束 tabularline \
\verb|foo|& \
\verb+<< EOL+& \multirow{5}*{Redirect a bunch of lines to the stdin.} \\
\verb+EOL+ & \\
\large\textbf{Redirection} & \large\textbf{Description} \\
\verb|> file| & Redirect standard output (stdout) to a file. \\
\verb|1> file| & Same as \verb|> file|. \verb|1| is the default file descriptor for stdout. \\
\verb|2> file| & Redirect standard error (stderr) to a file. \verb|2| is the default file descriptor for stderr. \\
\verb|>> file| & Append stdout to a file. \\
\verb|2>> file| & Append stderr to a file. \\
\verb|&> file| & Redirect stdout and stderr to a file. \\
\verb|>file 2>&1| & Another way to redirect both stdout and stderr to a file. This \textbf{is not} the same as \verb|2>&1 >file|. \textbf{Redirection order matters!} \\
\verb|> /dev/null| & Discard stdout. \\
\verb|2> /dev/null| & Discard stderr. \\
\verb|&> /dev/null| & Discard stdout and stderr. \\
\verb|< file| & Redirect the contents of the file to the stdin. \\
\verb+<< EOL+& \multirow{5}*{Redirect a bunch of lines to the stdin.} \\
\verb+EOL+ & \\