您将如何在 TeXworks 上排版此类内容?

您将如何在 TeXworks 上排版此类内容?

是 TeXbook (第 411 页) 中出现的示例之一,我尝试排版,但失败了。我是新手,希望有人能帮忙,好吗?


\input concert
\centerline{Friday, November 19, 1982, 8:00 p.m.}
\centerline{\bf PROGRAM}
\composition{Variations on a Theme by Tchaikovsky}
\composer{Anton S. Arensky (1861--1906)}
\movements{Tema: Moderato\cr
Var.~I: Un poco pi\`u mosso&Var.~V: Andante\cr
Var.~II: Allegro non troppo&Var.~VI: Allegro con spirito\cr
Var.~III: Andantino tranquillo&Var.~VII: Andante con moto\cr
Var.~IV: Vivace&Coda: Moderato\cr}
\composition{Concerto for Horn and Hardart, S.\,27}
\composer{P. D. Q. Bach (1807--1742)?}
\movements{Allegro con brillo\cr
Tema con variazione \(su un tema differente)\cr
Menuetto con panna e zucchero\cr}
\soloists{Ben Lee User, horn\cr
Peter Schickele, hardart\cr}
\composition{Symphony No.\,3 in E\flat\ Major\cr
Op.\,55, ``The Eroica''\cr}
\composer{Ludwig van Beethoven (1770--1827)}
\movements{Allegro con brio\cr
Marcia funebre: Adagio assai\cr
Scherzo: Allegro vivace\cr
Finale: Allegro molto\cr}
\smalltype \noindent
Members of the audience are kindly requested to turn off the
alarms on their digital watches, and to cough only between movements.

在输入代码(b/w 和\begin)之前\end,我输入的是以下内容:

\headheight -0.5in
\textheight 9.5in

此外,这些宏(或定义 - 我不知道它们是否是同一个东西)也要使用:

\kern-1em#1\crcr}} % use \cr's if more than one line

\line{\hrulefill\phantom{ THE ST.\,ANFORD ORCHESTRA }\hrulefill}
\line{\hrulefill\hbox{ THE ST.\,ANFORD ORCHESTRA }\hrulefill}
\line{\hrulefill\phantom{ R. J. Drofnats, Conductor }\hrulefill}
\line{\hrulefill\hbox{ R. J. Drofnats, Conductor }\hrulefill}

我注意到我可以使用一些定义。例如,当我尝试使用时出现错误,\tsaologo\composition{Variations on a Theme by Tchaikovsky}运行正常。此外,\centerline命令不起作用,但只是\center


正如其他人所评论的,TeXbook 讨论了 TeX 原语还有一种可能的方法,可以通过一个宏包在更高层次上使用它们纯 TeX,这与 LaTeX 有很大不同。

如果您想更熟练地掌握 LaTeX 编程,阅读 TeXbook 会很有用。对于使用 LaTeX 创建文档,一个很好的起点是“关于 LaTeX 的简单介绍”提供多种语言版本;请访问http://texdoc.netlshort并在框中输入。

不太混合的 LaTeX 形式如下



} % use \\ if more than one line

  {\if b\expandafter\@car\f@series\@nil\boldmath\fi$\flat$}%

\hbox to \hsize{\hrulefill}
\hbox to \hsize{\hrulefill\phantom{ THE ST.\,ANFORD ORCHESTRA }\hrulefill}
\hbox to \hsize{\hrulefill\hbox{ THE ST.\,ANFORD ORCHESTRA }\hrulefill}
\hbox to \hsize{\hrulefill\phantom{ R. J. Drofnats, Conductor }\hrulefill}
\hbox to \hsize{\hrulefill\hbox{ R. J. Drofnats, Conductor }\hrulefill}



\centerline{Friday, November 19, 1982, 8:00 p.m.}


\centerline{\bfseries PROGRAM}


\composition{Variations on a Theme by Tchaikovsky}
\composer{Anton S. Arensky (1861--1906)}
\movements{Tema: Moderato\\
Var.~I: Un poco pi\`u mosso    & Var.~V: Andante\\
Var.~II: Allegro non troppo    & Var.~VI: Allegro con spirito\\
Var.~III: Andantino tranquillo & Var.~VII: Andante con moto\\
Var.~IV: Vivace&Coda: Moderato}


\composition{Concerto for Horn and Hardart, S.\,27}
\composer{P. D. Q. Bach (1807--1742)?}
\movements{Allegro con brillo\\
Tema con variazione \textup{(}su un tema differente\textup{)}\\
Menuetto con panna e zucchero\\}
\soloists{Ben Lee User, horn\\
Peter Schickele, hardart}


\composition{Symphony No.\,3 in E\textflat\ Major\\
Op.\,55, ``The Eroica''\\}
\composer{Ludwig van Beethoven (1770--1827)}
\movements{Allegro con brio\\
Marcia funebre: Adagio assai\\
Scherzo: Allegro vivace\\
Finale: Allegro molto\\}


Members of the audience are kindly requested to turn off the
alarms on their digital watches, and to cough only between movements.



\tsaologo保留了宏,用纯 LaTeX 命令很难生成它。当然,你可以从 TikZ 中获益。


出现问题的原因可能是原始代码是为 TeX 编写的,而不是 LaTeX。这是一个有效的混合解决方案(仍然包含大部分 TeX 代码):



  \noindent\hrulefill\phantom{ THE ST.\,ANFORD ORCHESTRA }\hrulefill\par
  \noindent\hrulefill\hbox{ THE ST.\,ANFORD ORCHESTRA }\hrulefill\par
  \noindent\hrulefill\phantom{ R.\ J.\ Drofnats, Conductor }\hrulefill\par
  \noindent\hrulefill\hbox{ R.\ J.\ Drofnats, Conductor }\hrulefill

\kern-1em#1\crcr}} % use \cr's if more than one line


%\input concert% Definitions given in preamble
\centerline{Friday, November 19, 1982, 8:00 p.m.}
\centerline{\bfseries PROGRAM}
\composition{Variations on a Theme by Tchaikovsky}
\composer{Anton S. Arensky (1861--1906)}
  \movements{Tema: Moderato\cr
    Var.~I: Un poco pi\`u mosso&Var.~V: Andante\cr
    Var.~II: Allegro non troppo&Var.~VI: Allegro con spirito\cr
    Var.~III: Andantino tranquillo&Var.~VII: Andante con moto\cr
    Var.~IV: Vivace&Coda: Moderato\cr}
\composition{Concerto for Horn and Hardart, S.\,27}
\composer{P. D. Q. Bach (1807--1742)?}
\movements{Allegro con brillo\cr
  Tema con variazione $($su un tema differente$)$\cr
  Menuetto con panna e zucchero\cr}
\soloists{Ben Lee User, horn\cr
  Peter Schickele, hardart\cr}
\composition{Symphony No.\,3 in E$\flat$\ Major\cr
  Op.\,55, ``The Eroica''\cr}
\composer{Ludwig van Beethoven (1770--1827)}
\movements{Allegro con brio\cr
  Marcia funebre: Adagio assai\cr
  Scherzo: Allegro vivace\cr
  Finale: Allegro molto\cr}
\small \noindent
Members of the audience are kindly requested to turn off the
alarms on their digital watches, and to cough only between movements.


大部分更改都涉及字体选择。请参阅\textit我使用或\it\bfseries等有关系吗\bf和/或两个字母的字体样式命令(\bf,,\it...)会在 LaTeX 中复活吗?
