


蒂克兹 单词




\usetikzlibrary{shapes, arrows, calc, positioning, matrix }

% Define block styles
\tikzstyle{line}    = [ draw, -triangle 45 ]

\tikzstyle{list}  = [ rectangle, draw,
                        minimum width = 6em                      

\tikzstyle{ptr-box}  = [ rectangle, 
                        text width = 8em                      

\begin{tikzpicture}[align = flush center, font = \small]
% Place nodes
    \matrix [matrix of nodes, row sep = 0em] (age)
    |[list] (free)| Free Page \\    
    |[list] (free2)| Free Page \\    
    |[list] (pg6)| Page 6 \\    
    |[list] (pg12)| Page 12 \\
    |[list] (pg4)| Page 4 \\
    |[list] (pg8)| Page 8 \\

    \matrix [matrix of nodes, row sep = 0em, 
                 left = of age, 
                 nodes={text width=6em},
                 matrix anchor = north east,
                 ] (ptr) at (age.north west)
    |[ptr-box, ] (oldest)| \textbf{oldest\_ptr} \\ \tiny{Points to pool of free pages.}  \\
    |[ptr-box] (oldest-valid)| \textbf{oldest\_valid\_ptr} \\ \tiny{Points to oldest vaild cache page, else NULL if cache is empty.}  \\
    |[ptr-box] (newest)|\textbf{newest\_ptr} \\ \tiny{Points to newest vaild cache page.}  \\

    % Draw edges
    \path [line] (oldest) -- (free);
    \path [line] (oldest-valid) -- (pg6);
    \path [line] (newest) -- (pg8);



一种选择是使用\parboxes 作为包含文本的节点:




\usetikzlibrary{shapes, arrows, calc, positioning, matrix }

% Define block styles
\tikzstyle{line}    = [ draw, -triangle 45 ]

\tikzstyle{list}  = [ rectangle, draw,
                        minimum width = 6em                      

\tikzstyle{ptr-box}  = [ rectangle, 
                        text width = 30em , font=\tiny                     

\begin{tikzpicture}[align = flush center, font = \small]
% Place nodes
    \matrix [matrix of nodes, row sep = 0em] (age)
    |[list] (free)| Free Page \\    
    |[list] (free2)| Free Page \\    
    |[list] (pg6)| Page 6 \\    
    |[list] (pg12)| Page 12 \\
    |[list] (pg4)| Page 4 \\
    |[list] (pg8)| Page 8 \\

\node [left=of free,text depth=0ex]  (oldest) {\parbox[t]{8em}{\centering%
  \textbf{oldest\_ptr} \\ \tiny  Points to pool of free pages.}};
\node [left=of pg6,text depth=0ex]  (oldest-valid) {\parbox[t]{8em}{\centering%
  \textbf{oldest\_valid\_ptr} \\ \tiny Points to oldest vaild cache page, else NULL if cache is empty.}};
\node [left=of pg8,text depth=0ex] (newest) {\parbox[t]{8em}{\centering%
  \textbf{newest\_ptr} \\ \tiny Points to newest vaild cache page.}};           

    % Draw edges
    \path [line] (oldest) -- (free);
    \path [line] (oldest-valid) -- (pg6);
    \path [line] (newest) -- (pg8);




\usetikzlibrary{shapes, arrows, calc, positioning, matrix }



% Define block styles
\tikzstyle{line}    = [ draw, -triangle 45 ]

\tikzstyle{list}  = [ rectangle, draw,
                        minimum width = 6em                      

\tikzstyle{ptr-box}  = [ rectangle, 
                        text width = 30em , font=\tiny                     

\begin{tikzpicture}[align = flush center, font = \small]
% Place nodes
    \matrix [matrix of nodes, row sep = 0em] (age)
    |[list] (free)| Free Page \\    
    |[list] (free2)| Free Page \\    
    |[list] (pg6)| Page 6 \\    
    |[list] (pg12)| Page 12 \\
    |[list] (pg4)| Page 4 \\
    |[list] (pg8)| Page 8 \\

  align=center, font=\tiny,xshift=-1em,anchor=north east,inner ysep=-1ex}
\node [left=of free,mytext]  (oldest) {%
  {\small\bfseries oldest\_ptr} \\ Points to pool of \\ free pages.};
\node [left=of pg6,mytext]  (oldest-valid) {%
  {\small\bfseries oldest\_valid\_ptr} \\ Points to oldest vaild \\ cache page, else NULL if \\ cache is empty.};
\node [left=of pg8,mytext] (newest) {%
  {\small\bfseries newest\_ptr} \\ Points to newest vaild \\ cache page.};           

    % Draw edges
    \path [line] (oldest.north east) -- (free);
    \path [line] (oldest-valid.north east) -- (pg6);
    \path [line] (newest.north east) -- (pg8);





这是一种可能性(我修改了您的示例以使用\tikzset而不是最旧的\tikzstyle应该使用 \tikzset 还是 \tikzstyle 来定义 TikZ 样式?):



% \input{../tikz-setup.tex}
\usetikzlibrary{shapes, arrows, calc, positioning, matrix }

% Define block styles
  line/.style = { draw, -triangle 45 },
  list/.style = { rectangle, draw, minimum width = 6em },
  ptr-box/.style  = { rectangle, text width = 30em , font=\tiny },
  comment/.style = {text width=2.5cm, align=center,inner ysep=0},
  note/.style = {font=\tiny,align=center,text width=2.5cm,inner ysep=0},
\begin{tikzpicture}[align=flush center,font=\small]
  % Place nodes
  \matrix [matrix of nodes, row sep = 0em] (age)
    |[list] (free)| Free Page \\    
    |[list] (free2)| Free Page \\    
    |[list] (pg6)| Page 6 \\    
    |[list] (pg12)| Page 12 \\
    |[list] (pg4)| Page 4 \\
    |[list] (pg8)| Page 8 \\

  \node [left=of free, comment]  (oldest) {\textbf{oldest\_ptr}};
  \node [below=1pt of oldest,note]{Points to pool of free pages.};

  \node [left=of pg6, comment]  (oldest-valid) {\textbf{oldest\_valid\_ptr}};
  \node [below=1pt of oldest-valid,note]
  {Points to oldest valid cache page, else NULL if cache is empty};

  \node [left=of pg8,comment] (newest) {\textbf{newest\_ptr}};
  \node [below=1pt of newest,note]{Points to newest vaild cache page.};           

  % Draw edges
  \path [line] (oldest) -- (free);
  \path [line] (oldest-valid) -- (pg6);
  \path [line] (newest) -- (pg8);
