带有 pstricks 的书籍封面

带有 pstricks 的书籍封面

为什么我会收到栗色框颜色错误?(line 26

% load the necessary packages
% begin the document and suppress page numbers
% create the box with the front cover picture
% set up the picture environment
% set up the fonts we use
% create a maroon background
% place the front cover picture
% put the text on the front cover
\rput[lb](7.74,7){\PT \color{white}{Secrets of the Stamen}}
\rput[lb](8.94,6){\PTsmall \color{white}{Yuri Robbers}}
\rput[lb](9.04,0.8){\PTsmallest \color{white}{Lughdunum Press}}
% put the text on the spine (note the rotation over 270 degrees)
\color{white}{Yuri Robbers --- Secrets of the Stamen}}
% put the publisher’s logo on the spine
\rput[b](6.62,0.75){\color{white}{\fbox{\Logo L}}}
% Create a Box containing the text for the back cover
% And position the box
% Then we close all open environments


linea 26: Undefined control sequence ...tyle=solid,fillcolor=Maroon](0,0)(13.24,9)
linea 26: Undefined control sequence ...tyle=solid,fillcolor=Maroon](0,0)(13.24,9)
linea 26: Undefined control sequence ...tyle=solid,fillcolor=Maroon](0,0)(13.24,9)
linea 26: Undefined control sequence ...tyle=solid,fillcolor=Maroon](0,0)(13.24,9)
linea 26: Undefined control sequence ...tyle=solid,fillcolor=Maroon](0,0)(13.24,9)
linea 26: Undefined control sequence ...tyle=solid,fillcolor=Maroon](0,0)(13.24,9)
linea 0:  ************************************(pst-char) The package `pst-char' is obsolet!(pst-char) You should use `pst-text' directly:(pst-char) \usepackage{pst-text}(pst-char) ************************************.
linea 46: Overfull \hbox (17.62482pt too wide) in paragraph

! Undefined control sequence.
<recently read> \c@lor@to@ps
l.26 ...tyle=solid,fillcolor=Maroon](0,0)(13.24,9)
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
