如何使 pgfooclass 在 beamer 演示中持久存在?

如何使 pgfooclass 在 beamer 演示中持久存在?

我想定义一个 tikz 图像元素,以便在 beamer 演示中重复使用。我尝试将其定义为 pgfooclass,但这似乎是因为我只能在已定义类的框架中实例化该类的对象,同样,我只能在已实例化的框架中使用实例化的对象。


已解决:问题出在ignorenonframetextbeamer 选项上。事实证明,pgfooclasses 可以在 之前定义\begin{document},然后可以在框架中使用,即使使用ignorenonframetext选项





% defining a class before the document
    \method outdocclass(){}    
    \method draw(){
        \node (outdoc) at (0,0) {outdoc};


% defining a class outside a frame
    \method outclass(){}    
    \method draw(){
        \node (out) at (0,0) {out};
% instantiating an object of this class outside a frame works
%\pgfoonew \outobject=new outclass()

\begin{frame}{Class outclass is defined outside frames, and outdocclass before the beginning of the document}

Class outclass is instantiated as outobject outside frames

Class outdocclass is instantiated as outdocobject in this frame
% instantiating an object of the outocclass
\pgfoonew \outdocobject=new outdocclass()

    \node at (0,1) {object outobject can be used in this picture};
% if the option ignorenonframetext is used:
%! Undefined control sequence.
%\beamer@doifinframe ... this picture}; \outobject
%                                                  .draw() \end {tikzpicture}...
%l.50 \end{frame}
    \node[text width=0.75\textwidth] at (0,-1) {object outdocobject can be used in this picture, even with the ignorenonframetext beamer option};




正如 Andrew Stacey 所建议的,可以使用两种技术使 pgfooclasses 在整个 beamer 演示过程中可用,即使在ignorenonframetext使用 beamer 选项时也是如此。

一种方法是在 之前定义类\begin{document},因为ignorenonframetext在这个阶段 尚未活跃。





\author{bli, with suggestions from Andrew Stacey}

% defining a class before the document begins
    \method outdocclass(){}    
    \method draw(){
        \node (outdoc) at (-1,0) {outdoc};


% having the outside frame class definition taken into account in presentation mode,
% despite the ignorenonframetext option
% defining a class outside a frame
    \method outframeclass(){}    
    \method draw(){
        \node (outframe) at (1,0) {outframe};

% instantiating an object of this class outside a frame
\pgfoonew \outframeobject=new outframeclass()

\begin{frame}{Class outframeclass is defined outside frames, and outdocclass before the beginning of the document}

% instantiating an object of the outdocclass
outdocclass is instantiated as outdocobject in this frame.\\
This is possible even with the \texttt{ignorenonframetext} option
because this option takes effect only after the document has begun.
\pgfoonew \outdocobject=new outdocclass()

    \node[text width=0.75\textwidth] at (0,1) {object outobject can be used in this picture,
    because it was instantiated in \texttt{mode<all>}};
    \node[text width=0.75\textwidth] at (0,-1) {object outdocobject can be used in this picture};



