

下面的代码展示了this answer用波浪线标记(突出显示)某个段落(\item{...}),以便稍后注意。环境tikzborder使用 TikZ 装饰在文本右侧绘制波浪线(即使出现分页符);可选参数控制文本和线之间的分离(文档必须处理三次)。




  \tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}

  % if the marks are in the same page, nothing is done
  % otherwise, the decoration is drawn from the starting point to the page bottom
  % and, if necessary, intermediate pages will also receive the decoration
  \ifnum\getpagerefnumber{start-border\thebordercntr}=\getpagerefnumber{end-border\thebordercntr} \else
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
    \draw [decoration={coil,aspect=0},decorate,ultra thick,gray]
      let \p1 = (start-border.north), \p2 = (end-border), \p3 = (current page.center) in%
         ( $ (\x3,\y1) + (.55\textwidth+#1,2pt) $ ) --  ( $ (\x3,\y3) + (0.55\textwidth+#1,-0.5\textheight) $ );
    \setcounter{borderpages} {\numexpr\getpagerefnumber{end-border\thebordercntr}-\getpagerefnumber{start-border\thebordercntr}}\theborderpages
  % if the marks are in the same page, the decoration is drawn
  % otherwise, the decoration is drawn from the top of the page to the end mark
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
    \draw [decoration={coil,aspect=0},decorate,ultra thick,gray]
      let \p1 = (start-border.north), \p2 = (end-border), \p3 = (current page.center) in
      ( $ (\x3,\y1) + (.55\textwidth+\borderspacing,2pt) $ ) --  ( $ (\x3,\y2) + (.55\textwidth+\borderspacing,10pt) $ );
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
    \draw [decoration={coil,aspect=0},decorate,ultra thick,gray]
      let \p1 = (start-border.north), \p2 = (end-border), \p3 = (current page.center) in
      ( $ (\x3,\y3) + (.55\textwidth+\borderspacing,.5\textheight-6pt) $ ) -- ( $ (\x3,\y2) + (.55\textwidth+\borderspacing,10pt) $ );

% the command to draw the decoration in intermediate pages from the top
% to the bottom of the page
  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
    \draw [decoration={coil,aspect=0},decorate,ultra thick,gray]
      let \p1 = (current page.center) in
      ( $ (\x1,\y1) + (.55\textwidth+#1,0.5\textheight-15pt) $ ) -- ( $ (\x1,\y1) + (.55\textwidth+#1,-0.5\textheight) $ );
















  • 可能有一些代码清理工作可以完成。




% To allow for nesting we need to use different names for each \tikzmark.
% Use we can use the value of this counter to name those. 
% This counted is incremented at the \begin{tikzborder} and decremented
% at \end{tikzborder} 
% Just to ensure that these are not already used.  Need one of these
% for each nesting depth. Assume three for now.

% To allow for different draw options based on nesting depth.
% There here just to ensure that these are not defined previously

  \tikz[overlay,remember picture] \node (#1) {};}

  \global\expandafter\def\csname BorderSpacing\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}\endcsname{#1}
  \global\expandafter\xdef\csname DrawOption\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}\endcsname{\DrawOptions}
  % if the marks are in the same page, nothing is done
  % otherwise, the decoration is drawn from the starting point to the page bottom
  % and, if necessary, intermediate pages will also receive the decoration
  \ifnum\getpagerefnumber{start-border\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}\thebordercntr}=\getpagerefnumber{end-border\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}\thebordercntr} \else
    \def\LocalDrawOptions{\expandafter\csname DrawOption\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}\endcsname}
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
    \draw [decoration={coil,aspect=0},decorate,ultra thick,gray,\LocalDrawOptions]
      let \p1 = (start-border\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}.north), \p2 = (end-border\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}), \p3 = (current page.center) in%
         ( $ (\x3,\y1) + (.55\textwidth+#1,2pt) $ ) --  ( $ (\x3,\y3) + (0.55\textwidth+#1,-0.5\textheight) $ );
    \setcounter{borderpages} {\numexpr\getpagerefnumber{end-border\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}\thebordercntr}-\getpagerefnumber{start-border\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}\thebordercntr}}\theborderpages
  \def\borderspacing{\expandafter\csname BorderSpacing\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}\endcsname}
  \def\LocalDrawOptions{\expandafter\csname DrawOption\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}\endcsname}
  % if the marks are in the same page, the decoration is drawn
  % otherwise, the decoration is drawn from the top of the page to the end mark
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
    \draw [decoration={coil,aspect=0},decorate,ultra thick,gray,\LocalDrawOptions]
      let \p1 = (start-border\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}.north), \p2 = (end-border\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}), \p3 = (current page.center) in
      ( $ (\x3,\y1) + (.55\textwidth+\borderspacing,2pt) $ ) --  ( $ (\x3,\y2) + (.55\textwidth+\borderspacing,10pt) $ );
    \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
    \draw [decoration={coil,aspect=0},decorate,ultra thick,gray,\LocalDrawOptions]
      let \p1 = (start-border\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}.north), \p2 = (end-border\Alph{NestingDepthCounter}), \p3 = (current page.center) in
      ( $ (\x3,\y3) + (.55\textwidth+\borderspacing,.5\textheight-6pt) $ ) -- ( $ (\x3,\y2) + (.55\textwidth+\borderspacing,10pt) $ );

% the command to draw the decoration in intermediate pages from the top
% to the bottom of the page
  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay, remember picture]
    \draw [decoration={coil,aspect=0},decorate,ultra thick,gray]
      let \p1 = (current page.center) in
      ( $ (\x1,\y1) + (.55\textwidth+#1,0.5\textheight-15pt) $ ) -- ( $ (\x1,\y1) + (.55\textwidth+#1,-0.5\textheight) $ );




