

我想在页边空白处添加旁注(替代脚注)。我在 Latex 社区网站上找到了此代码。

        \marginpar{\footnotesize \mbox{\textsuperscript{\alph{sidenote}} }#1}%


  1. 我想将我的旁注放在对面(内部)边缘。我尝试将 改为\marginpar\reversemarginpar但没有成功。它实际上将我的旁注放在了正文中!

  2. 我希望这些内容适合段落样式。(我使用该fnpara包对脚注实现类似的效果。)



        \marginpar{\footnotesize \mbox{\textsuperscript{\alph{sidenote}} }#1}%


In the beginning\sidenote{Gn 1:1; Pr 8:22-31; Jn 8:58; 17:5; Cl 1:17-18; He 1:8-12; 7:3; 13:8; 1Jn 1:1; Rv 1:4,8,11,17; 2:8; 3:14; 21:6; 22:13} the Word\sidenote{Is 55:11; Jn 1:14; He 4:12; 1Jn 1:1; 5:7; Rv 1:2; 19:13} was \ldots







\newcommand{\sidenote}[1]{% \sidenote{<side note>}
  \marginpar{\footnotesize\raggedright\strut\mbox{\textsuperscript{\alph{sidenote}} }#1}%


\verse{1} \note{\textbf{P}} In the beginning%
  \sidenote{Gn 1:1; Pr 8:22-31; Jn 8:58; 17:5; Cl 1:17-18; He 1:8-12; 7:3; 13:8; 1Jn 1:1; Rv 1:4,8,11,17; 2:8; 3:14; 21:6; 22:13} 
  the Word\sidenote{Is 55:11; Jn 1:14; He 4:12; 1Jn 1:1; 5:7; Rv 1:2; 19:13} 
  was \note{\textit{the Word already existed; there was the Word}}.
\verse{2} \note{\textbf{P}} In the beginning%
  \sidenote{Gn 1:1; Pr 8:22-31; Jn 8:58; 17:5; Cl 1:17-18; He 1:8-12; 7:3; 13:8; 1Jn 1:1; Rv 1:4,8,11,17; 2:8; 3:14; 21:6; 22:13} 
  the Word\sidenote{Is 55:11; Jn 1:14; He 4:12; 1Jn 1:1; 5:7; Rv 1:2; 19:13} 
  was \note{\textit{the Word already existed; there was the Word}}.





\usepackage[twoside,hmargin={\innermargin,1.5in}]{geometry}% http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry
\usepackage{flowfram}% http://ctan.org/pkg/flowfram
\usepackage{everyshi}% http://ctan.org/pkg/everyshi
\usepackage{lipsum}% http://ctan.org/pkg/lipsum

% Regular odd/even text blocks
%  \newflowframe[<page list>]{<width>}{<height>}{<x>}{<y>}[<label>]
% Inner odd/even margin blocks
%  \newdynamicframe[<page list>]{<width>}{<height>}{<x>}{<y>}[<label>]
\EveryShipout{% At every shipout
  \setdynamiccontents*{oddsidenote}{\rule{0pt}{1em}\footnotesize\raggedright}% Clear odd side notes
  \setdynamiccontents*{evensidenote}{\rule{0pt}{1em}\footnotesize\raggedright}% Clear even side note
\AtBeginDocument{% At \begin{document}
  \setdynamiccontents*{oddsidenote}{\rule{0pt}{1em}\footnotesize\raggedright}% Clear odd side notes
  \setdynamiccontents*{evensidenote}{\rule{0pt}{1em}\footnotesize\raggedright}% Clear even side note
\AtEndDocument{% At \begin{document}
  \appenddynamiccontents*{oddsidenote}{\par}% Finalize odd side notes
  \appenddynamiccontents*{evensidenote}{\par}% Finalize even side notes

\newcommand{\sidenote}[1]{% \sidenote{<side note>}
  \protected@edef\the@sidenote{\textsuperscript{\thesidenote}}% http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/40006/5764
  \expandafter\g@addto@macro\expandafter\sidenoteblock\expandafter{\the@sidenote #1\space}%
    \expandafter\appenddynamiccontents\expandafter{\expandafter\@tempb\expandafter}\expandafter{\the@sidenote #1\space}%
\sidenote{Here is the first side note.}\lipsum[1]
\sidenote{Here is the second side note.}\lipsum[2]
\sidenote{This is the third side note.}\lipsum[3]
\sidenote{Here is another, now the fourth, side note.
  Here is another, now the fourth, side note.
  Here is another, now the fourth, side note.
  Here is another, now the fourth, side note.
  Here is another, now the fourth, side note.
  Here is another, now the fourth, side note.
  Here is another, now the fourth, side note.
  Here is another, now the fourth, side note.
  Here is another, now the fourth, side note.
  Here is another, now the fourth, side note.
  Here is another, now the fourth, side note.
  Here is another, now the fourth, side note.}\lipsum[4]
\sidenote{Side note number five.}\lipsum[5]
\sidenote{Another, the sixth one.}\lipsum[6]
\sidenote{More side notes are coming. This is number seven.}\lipsum[7]
\sidenote{Eight, yes, this is the eighth.}\lipsum[8]



\newcommand{\sidenote}[2]{% \sidenote{<word>}{<side note>}
  \protected@edef\the@sidenote{\textsuperscript{\thesidenote}}% http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/40006/5764
  \expandafter\g@addto@macro\expandafter\sidenoteblock\expandafter{\the@sidenote #2\space}%
    \expandafter\appenddynamiccontents\expandafter{\expandafter\@tempb\expandafter}\expandafter{\the@sidenote #2\space}%

允许您使用\sidenote{<word>}{<side note>},这确保<word><side note>始终在一起,而旁注引用始终跟在单词后面;类似于

... 等等等等字7等等等等...


您可以使用footmisc带选项的软件包side,它替换了编号 \marginpars,重新\thefootnote格式化字母引用


请注意,如果您有较长的脚注,则可能需要加载marginfix处理分页符。此外,即使有marginfix,如果脚注太多,也可能会Too many floats出错。

以下是 MWE:

\usepackage{kantlipsum}% dummy text
This is a short footnote\footnote{Short footnote.} and another\footnote{Another short footnote.}.

\kant*[3]\footnote{Yet another short one.}

\kant*[4]\footnote{But: Too many (or too long) footnotes won't work for these are still marginpars. \emph{That's why we need \textbf{marginfix}}}




Marginfix however might have a limit for too many footnotes will become too many floats, and you might end up with none being typeset.

