1. 几何形状

1. 几何形状

我想在圆弧中间放置一个箭头。不幸的是,ArrowInside不适用于\psarc。可能的方法是使用 2 个圆弧构造它,如下所示。保留arcsepB其默认值会产生奇怪的效果,这就是为什么我必须将其设置arcsepB为负长度。



\psarc[arrowscale=2,arcsepB=\n pt]{->}(0,0){3}{0}{45}
\rput(1.5,1.5){\n pt}


以下内容取自 PSTricks 文档(使用texdoc pstricks),可能对您有用。





  1. 我认为正确的图形/几何图形,
  2. 数学上“精确”的方程(可能不正确),
  3. 第二点的近似值(肯定是错误的)。

1. 几何形状


答案似乎很近,我们只需要解1 .

为什么arcsepB我的草图是这样的?PSTricks 手册上说:

angleB进行调整,使得圆弧刚好接触dim从圆弧中心朝 方向延伸的一条宽度线angleB

2. “精确”方程



看起来不错,但即使用数值近似法来求解这个方程也没有得到任何结果。(然而,这个方程的先前版本确实得到了结果,但与 TikZ 的结果不符。)

3. 近似值


我终于得到了一个可解的简单二次方程,但在这种情况下,它不是 ℝ 形式。(被开方数小于零。)




% some lengths

% PSTricks variables
\pgfmathsetlength\dimRadius{.5cm}%                    see MWE
\pgfmathsetlength\dimLinewidth{4pt}%                  see MWE, 5 * \pstlinewidth = 5 * .8pt
\pgfmathsetlength\dimArrowsize{1.5pt}%                see PSTricks manual
\newcommand*{\numArrowsize}{2}%                       see PSTricks manual
\newcommand*{\numArrowlength}{1.4}%                   see PSTricks manual
\newcommand*{\numArrowinset}{0.4}%                    see PSTricks manual
\newcommand*{\numArrowscale}{2}%                      see MWE
% set random

% result
\pgfkeys{/pgf/number format/.cd,fixed,precision=2}
\pgfmathsetlength\arWidth{\numArrowscale*(\numArrowsize*\dimLinewidth+\dimArrowsize)}% see PSTricks manual
\pgfmathsetlength\arLength{\arWidth*\numArrowlength}% see PSTricks manual
\pgfmathsetlength\arInset{\arLength*\numArrowinset}%  see PSTricks manual

\fill[black!20] (\angStart:\dimRadius+\dimLinewidth/2) arc[radius = \dimRadius+\dimLinewidth/2, start angle=\angStart, end angle=\angEnd] --
              (\angEnd:\dimRadius-\dimLinewidth/2) arc[radius = \dimRadius-\dimLinewidth/2, start angle=\angEnd, end angle=\angStart] -- cycle;

\draw[name path=middle line, thin, dashdotted] (0:\dimRadius)                 arc[radius = \dimRadius,                 start angle=\angStart, end angle=\angEnd];
\draw[name path=outer line,  thin]             (0:\dimRadius+\dimLinewidth/2) arc[radius = \dimRadius+\dimLinewidth/2, start angle=\angStart, end angle=\angEnd];
\draw[name path=inner line,  thin]             (0:\dimRadius-\dimLinewidth/2) arc[radius = \dimRadius-\dimLinewidth/2, start angle=\angStart, end angle=\angEnd];

\draw[name path global=arrow, blue, fill=blue, fill opacity=.2, line join=round]
    (\angUntip:\dimRadius) coordinate (D) -- (\angTip:\dimRadius) coordinate (A) -- ++ (
    ) -- cycle;
\fill[name intersections={of=arrow and outer line}, red] (intersection-1) coordinate (B);
\path[name path=radius to B] (B) -- (0,0);
\fill[name intersections={of=radius to B and middle line}, red] (intersection-1) coordinate (C);
\draw[gray] (B) -- (C);% half linewidth

\draw[name path global=continuous of C, ultra thin] let \p1=(C), \n1={atan2(\x1,\y1)} in (C) -- +(\n1+90:1) \pgfextra{\xdef\angArcEnd{\n1}};
\draw[name path global=rect of A,       ultra thin] (A) -- + (\angArcEnd:1);
\fill[name intersections={of=continuous of C and rect of A}, red] (intersection-1) coordinate (E);

\draw [green] let \p1 = (C), \p2 = (E), \n1 = {veclen(\x2-\x1,\y2-\y1)} in 
    (C) -- (E);

\draw [green,opacity=.5] (A) -- + (\angArcEnd-90:\arcsepB);
\draw[gray] (0,0) -- (\angStart:\dimRadius)
            (0,0) -- (C)
            (0,0) -- (A)
            (0,0) -- (D);

\draw (\angStart:.31\dimRadius) arc [radius=.31\dimRadius, start angle=\angStart, end angle=\angArcEnd] node at ({(\angArcEnd+\angStart)/2}:.2\dimRadius) {\(t_0\)};
\draw (\angArcEnd:.3\dimRadius) arc [radius=.3\dimRadius, start angle=\angArcEnd, end angle=\angTip] node at ({(\angTip+\angArcEnd)/2}:.2\dimRadius) {\(t_1\)};
\draw ($(A)!.3\dimRadius!(D)$) arc [radius=.3\dimRadius, start angle=\arDirection-180, end angle=\arDirection-(180-\angBeta)] node[shift={({(\arDirection-180+\arDirection-(180-\angBeta))/2}:.2\dimRadius*\tikzScale)}] at (A) {\(\beta\)};
\draw let \p1 = (D), \n1={atan2(\x1,\y1)} in
      (\n1:.33\dimRadius) arc [radius=.33\dimRadius, start angle=\n1, end angle=\angArcEnd] node at ({(\n1+\angArcEnd)/2}:.4\dimRadius) {\(t_2\)};
\draw (\angUntip:.7\dimRadius) arc[radius=.3\dimRadius, start angle=\angUntip+180, end angle=\arDirection] node[shift={({(\angUntip+180+\arDirection)/2}:.2\dimRadius*\tikzScale)}] at (D) {$\alpha$};
\draw (D) -- + (0:.35\dimRadius);
\draw ([xshift=.3\dimRadius]D) arc[radius=.3\dimRadius, start angle=0, end angle=\arDirection] node[shift={(\arDirection/2:.2\dimRadius*\tikzScale)}] at (D) {$\gamma$};
\draw[decorate] (D) -- node[sloped,below] {\(\larrow-\iarrow\)} (A);
\draw[decorate] (E) -- node[sloped,above] {\(\mathtt{arcsepB} = \pgfmathprintnumber{\arcsepBwithoutpt}\,\textrm{pt} \)} (C);

\foreach \p/\pos in {A/left,B/above,C/below,D/below,E/left} {
    \fill[red] (\p) circle (.5pt/\tikzScale);
%   \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
        \expandafter\node\expandafter[\pos,red!75!black] (n\p) at (\p) {$\p$};
%   \end{pgfonlayer}
%\node at (90:1cm) {\the\dimLinewidth};
\caption{We're looking for $t_1$. $\beta = \radBeta\,\textrm{rad}$, $\wline = \strippt{\dimLinewidth}\pt$, $r = \strippt{\dimRadius}\pt$, $\larrow = \strippt{\arLength}\pt$, $\iarrow = \strippt{\arInset}\pt$}

\section{Our Goal}
First things first, $\mathtt{arcsepB}$ can be calculated by
    \mathtt{arcsepB} = r\sin t_1 \label{eq:goal}

\section{What do we know?}
But before we begin, let us define some points:
 \vect{A} & = r \begin{pmatrix}
                    \cos(t_0+t_1) \\
                \end{pmatrix}                   \\
 \vect{B} & = \left(r+\frac{\wline}2\right) \begin{pmatrix}
                                                     \cos t_0 \\
                                                     \sin t_0
                                                 \end{pmatrix}   \\
 \vect{D} & = r \begin{pmatrix}
                    \cos(t_0-t_2) \\

Geometry does also teach us:
    l\sub{arrow} - \iarrow & = 2 r \sin(t_1 + t_2) \\
    t_2 & = \arcsin \left(\frac{\larrow-\iarrow}{2r}\right) - t_1 \label{eq:aux:t2} \end{split}\\
    \tan \beta & =  \frac{w\sub{arrow}}{2 \, \larrow} \label{eq:aux:beta}

The angle $\alpha$ can be calculated by
    \alpha = \frac{\pi-(t_1+t_2)}{2}.

The direction of the arrow $\gamma$ (from $\vect{D}$ to $\vect{A}$) and $\gamma'$ (from $\vect{A}$ to $\vect{D}$) is
        \gamma & = t_0 - t_2 + \pi - \alpha \\[\jot] \shortintertext{and}
        \gamma' & = \gamma \pm \pi = t_0 - t_2 - \alpha \\
                & = t_0 + \frac{t_1-t_2}{2} - \frac{\pi}{2}

How do we get from $\vect{A}$ to $\vect{B}$?
    \vect{B} = \vect{A} + \tau \begin{pmatrix} \cos(\gamma'+\beta) \\ \sin(\gamma'+\beta) \end{pmatrix}

As we can safely set $t_0=0$ as $t_0$ does only describe a rotation, with \cref{eq:start} inserted in \cref{eq:AtoB} we get the following two equations.
    r + \frac{\wline}{2} & = r\cos t_1 + \tau \cos(\gamma'+\beta) \label{eq:system:a}\\
    0 & = r \sin t_1 + \tau  \sin(\gamma'+\beta) \label{eq:system:b}
    \intertext{We can insert \cref{eq:system:b} in \cref{eq:system:a} eliminating $\tau$ and after dividing through $r$ we get}
    1 + \frac{\wline}{2r} & = \cos t_1 - \sin t_1 \frac{\cos(\gamma'+\beta)}{\sin(\gamma'+\beta)} \\
    1 + \frac{\wline}{2r} & = \cos t_1 - \sin t_1 \cot\left(\frac{t_1-t_2}{2} - \frac{\pi}{2} + \beta\right) \label{eq:notyetfinal}

What follows now are some trigonometric formulae.
    \cos x & = \sqrt{1-\sin^2x} \label{eq:sincos}\\
    \sin\left(x+\frac{\pi}{2}\right) & = \cos x \\ \cos\left(x+\frac{\pi}{2}\right) & = - \sin x \\
    \cot\left(x+\frac{\pi}{2}\right) = \frac{\cos\left(x+\frac{\pi}{2}\right)}{\sin\left(x+\frac{\pi}{2}\right)} &
    = - \frac{\sin x}{\cos x} = - \tan x \\
    \intertext{with $x=x'-\pi$ we get}
    \cot\left(x'-\frac{\pi}{2}\right) & = - \tan(x'-\pi) \\ & = \tan x' \label{eq:cottan} \end{split}\\ \intertext{as well as}
    \tan (x + y) & = \frac{ \tan x + \tan y }{ 1 - \tan x \cdot \tan y } \label{eq:tantan}

With \cref{eq:cottan} substituted in \cref{eq:notyetfinal} we can say that
    1 + \frac{\wline}{2r}  = \cos t_1 - \sin t_1 \tan\left(\frac{t_1-t_2}{2} + \beta\right) \label{eq:stillnotfinal}
\Cref{eq:stillnotfinal} can further ``simplified'' with \cref{eq:aux:t2} to
    1 + \frac{\wline}{2r} = \cos t_1 - \sin t_1 \tan \left[
        t_1 + \beta - \arcsin \left(\frac{\larrow-\iarrow}{2r} \right)\right] \label{eq:halfgoal}

At this point, the whole \cref{eq:halfgoal} does only have one unknown variable: $t_1$.

\Cref{eq:halfgoal} with \cref{eq:tantan}:
    1 + \frac{\wline}{2r} = \cos t_1 - \sin t_1 \frac{\tan t_1 + \tan\left(\beta - \arcsin \left(\frac{\larrow-\iarrow}{2r} \right)\right)}{1-\tan t_1 \tan \left(\beta - \arcsin \left(\frac{\larrow-\iarrow}{2r} \right)\right)} \label{eq:notquiteyet}

In \cref{eq:notquiteyet} we do the following substitutions.
Following \cref{eq:system:b} we can be satisfied with $\sin t_1$:
    \sin t_1 & = t' \\
    \shortintertext{For small angles:}
    \tan t_1 & \approx \sin t_1 = t' \\
    \cos t_1 & = 1 \\
    \cos t_1 & = \sqrt{\smash[b]{1-\sin^2t_1}} = 1 \quad \text{(See \cref{eq:sincos}.)} \\
    \tan \left(\beta - \arcsin \left(\frac{\larrow-\iarrow}{2r} \right)\right) & = u 
    = \pgfmathresult\pt

With the \cref{eq:subs} we get for \cref{eq:notquiteyet}:
    1 + \frac{\wline}{2r} & = 1 - t' \frac{t'+u}{1-ut'} \\
    \frac{\wline}{2r} - \frac{u\wline}{2r} t' & = - {t'}^2 - u t' \\
    {t'}^2 + \left(u-\frac{u\wline}{2r}\right)t' + \frac{\wline}{2r} & = 0 \label{eq:quadratic}

The solution of \cref{eq:quadratic} is
    t'_{1,2} = \frac{u\wline}{4r} - \frac{u}{2} \pm \sqrt{\frac{u^2\wline^2}{16r^2}-\frac{u^2\wline}{4r}+\frac{u^2}{4}-\frac{w}{2r}}











Herbert 的答案可能是最简单的,应该优先考虑。由于这个问题从数学角度来看很有趣,我只是想勾勒出一些数学解决方案,因为它可能对某些人很有趣。


shift = arrowLength * lineWidth / arrowWidth.


shift / (2 * pi * radius) = shiftAngle / 360°.


shiftAngle = (arrowLength * lineWidth * 360°) / (2 * pi * radius * arrowWidth).

这一切都很好,但如果弧线相对于线宽不是很大怎么办?另一个问题(可能还有更多问题,具体取决于 pstricks 中的实现)是,由于线宽,线条不只有一个半径,但至少有一个中心半径、一个内半径和一个外半径。为了安全起见,您可以始终按内半径移动,因为这将导致最大的 shiftAngle。
