pgfplots 无法从文件中读取表格

pgfplots 无法从文件中读取表格


Tweak   Probability
4   0.0065935332
5   0.0006670277
6   0.0002015741
7   6.31090951863062E-005
8   0.000012437
9   0.000003721
10  1.02492049264844E-006
11  2.40164808733254E-007
12  0.000000056
13  1.525040714335E-008
14  0.000000003
15  9.31322573422856E-010
16  4.65661286657218E-010
17  5.82076609134674E-011
18  7.27595761413049E-012
19  7.27595761407755E-012

当我这样做时\addplot table[x=Tweak, y=Probability] { myfile.dat };,我收到此错误:

! Package pgfplots Error: Could not read table file '" img/doubletweak.dat "'. In case you intended to provide inline data: maybe TeX screwed up your end-of-lines? Try `row sep=crcr' and terminate your lines with `\\' (refer to the pgfplotstable manual for details).



TeX 通常不会忽略参数中的空格。因此{ myfile.dat }{myfile.dat}并不相同:删除文件名周围的空格,应该可以找到它。
