分叉 PDF:在演讲期间选择“计划 B”

分叉 PDF:在演讲期间选择“计划 B”

我认为这是一个新手的问​​题,但无论如何。有时很难根据未知的地点和听众来衡量演讲的时间。出于这个和其他原因,我想巧妙地发起一个隐藏的“B计划”(或者,为什么不,更长的计划 C)在我的演讲中。具体来说

问题:是否可以生成 PDF 以便人们在演讲时做出决定。也就是说,如果在演讲的某个时刻,人们注意到时间不够了,可以手动选择较短的幻灯片序列?



综合考虑这些建议,答案可以归结为以下代码。在这里,人们\hyperlink在战略幻灯片中引入了一对链接(带有)。在幻灯片上,人们可以看到剩余时间并决定以下三个选项之一:继续正常演示;缩短演示时间B 计划,可以通过跳过证明来进一步减少;或者走更长的路径,计划 C单击框架标题。


% this hyperlink leads to a longer PlanC,
% if there is enough time
\frametitle{\hyperlink{planC}{Strategic slide (planed)}}
Is your time, say, less 20 minutes?  $\Rightarrow$ click the TeX.SE logo:
 \item Have you abount 30 minutes $\Rightarrow$ click nothing and go ahead.
 \item You have much more than 30 min. $\Rightarrow$ click the frame title
% this hyperlink leads to a 
% shorter ``plan B''

\frametitle{Part of the usual course of the Talk}
Any thing here...

\frametitle{Plan B}
Set of Slides sumarizing what would have being a 
talk without hurries.\\

To sumarize even more, the proof
of the following theorem can be skipped.
% this link leads to the slide
% just after the proof.
\hyperlink{nexttoproof}{Skip proof.} 

% one arrives to this slide
% slide by clicking the TeX.SE 
% logo in the first slide. 
\frametitle{Proof of the Theorem}
This slide was skipped by clicking 
``Skip proof'' in the previous one.

\frametitle{After the proof}
Set of Slides sumarizing what would have being a 
talk without hurries.

% one arrives to this 
% slide by clicking the frame
% in the first slide. 
\frametitle{Plan C}
Set of Slides boardening the talk (nobody had questions, time for more slides).


