



This is the question
\choice First guess
\truechoice Second guess {This is a comment that goes at the end of the chapter}
\choice Third guess






% Define two new counters for ease of using.
% Formatting the counters, this is where you change how the counters appear.

% Define the \question and \choice commands to be similar to what is 
% given in the OP
% Here's a bit of a hack: \endnotetext stores the \meaning of the its argument
% in the endnotetext file, so the macros aren't expanded. I use \edef to fully
% expand the current \thechoicenumber, and use \expandafter to stuff it into
% the argument for \endnotetext. Suggestions for improvements are welcome!
\newcommand\truechoice[1]{\item \protected@edef\currentcount{\thechoicenumber~~#1} \expandafter\entreplace\expandafter{\currentcount}}
% Define a choices environment, just a list basically. 

% These are to set up the endnotes. The first makes the endnote marks look 
% like the question numbering (as opposed to being in superscript). The second
% sets the endnotes heading to read "Answers". 

\question Some question
\choice False choice
\choice Bad choice
\truechoice{This is true for no good reason} True choice.

\question Who won the 2012 Presidential Election in US?
\choice Mitt Romney
\truechoice{Without even counting Florida} Barack Obama

% Print the "answers"




回应下面 zar 的评论,如果我们希望输入语法是

\truechoice{Choice text}{Justification/commentary}


\truechoice{Justification/commentary} Choice text


\newcommand\truechoice[2]{\item #1 \protected@edef\currentcount{\thechoicenumber~~#2} \expandafter\entreplace\expandafter{\currentcount}}


\truechoice{True Choice!}{That choice was true for no good reason} 



% Define two new counters for ease of using.
% Formatting the counters, this is where you change how the counters
% appear.

% Define the \question and \choice commands to be similar to what is 
% given in the OP
% Here's a bit of a hack: \endnotetext stores the \meaning of the its argument
% in the endnotetext file, so the macros aren't expanded. I use \edef to fully
% expand the current \thechoicenumber, and use \expandafter to stuff it into
% the argument for \endnotetext. Suggestions for improvements are welcome!
\newcommand\truechoice[2]{\item #1 \edef\tempchoice{\thechoicenumber} \expandafter\def\expandafter\currentcount\expandafter{\tempchoice \ \ #2} \expandafter\entreplace\expandafter{\currentcount}}

% Define a choices environment, just a list basically. 

% These are to set up the endnotes. The first makes the endnote marks look 
% like the question numbering (as opposed to being in superscript). The second
% sets the endnotes heading to read "Answers". 

\question Some question
\choice False choice
\choice Bad choice
\truechoice{True choice}{This is true for no good reason $1+1$. Let me
add more text. There should be four or five lines. Can I put displayed
math in here? \emph{test} \[ E = mc^2\] Some more text.}

% Print the "answers"








% we could use `enumitem' for this (or...)
% but exsheets v0.4 provides a command to generate list-like
% environments
% this defines an environment {choices} that uses a square box as
% item symbol, \choice as command to start an item and uses 2 columns:



\chapter{Some chapter}
  \choice First choice
  \choice Second choice
  \choice[\correct] Third choice
  \choice Fourth choice
  \choice First choice
  \choice Second choice
  \choice[\correct] Third choice\\
    This is the right choice because...
  \choice Fourth choice

  \choice First choice
  \choice[\correct] Second choice
  \choice Third choice
  \choice Fourth choice
  \choice First choice
  \choice[\correct] Second choice\\
    This is the right choice because...
  \choice Third choice
  \choice Fourth choice


% similar for other chapters


