错误的页码(ToC-LoT)-ToC 之前有空白页-

错误的页码(ToC-LoT)-ToC 之前有空白页-

首先,我很抱歉我的 WE 不是最小的。我会解释为什么不是...我正在书籍类文档中创建目录。目录从第 iii 页开始(我使用罗马数字)并在第 iv 页结束。但是,目录条目表明目录从第 iv 页开始。

另一个问题是,在 ToC 之前有两页空白页(i、ii),但我不知道如何让它们消失。

最后一个问题与 LoT 有关。尽管在阿拉伯语页码之前包含了 LoT,但 LoT 从第 1 页开始。我试过了\setcounter{page}{xi},但显示缺少一个数字。

我该如何解决这些问题。这是我的 WE(尽管生成了 8 个错误 pdf)。它不是 MWE 的原因是我想添加章节和部分以创建两页的目录。




 \begin {center}
\HRule\\ \vspace{0.7cm} \textbf{\LARGE Title}\\ \vspace{0.7cm}\HRule
{\La rge Author}\\ \vspace{2cm}
{\Large Prof\\
\Large Supervisor}\\ \vspace{4cm}
Month Year





This is the abstract


These are aknowledgements


%\setcounter{page}{xi}<----Error missing number/seems it doesn't accept roman like that



This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introductionThis is the introductionThis is the introductionThis is the introductionThis is the introductionThis is the introductionThis is the introductionThis is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.v.This is the introduction.This is the introductionThis is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the     introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.This is the introduction.

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This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.This is about theory.

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This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about  epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This  is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about  epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This  is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This  is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about  epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This  is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about  epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This  is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about  epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This  is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about  epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This  is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about  epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This    is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about     epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This     is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about     epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This    is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about epxeriment.This is about     epxeriment.

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 \begin {center}
\HRule\\ \vspace{0.7cm} \textbf{\LARGE Title}\\ \vspace{0.7cm}\HRule
{\Large Author}\\ \vspace{2cm}
{\Large Prof\\
\Large Supervisor}\\ \vspace{4cm}
Month Year




This is the abstract


These are acknowledgements









您的输入有很多错误。首先,页码:如果您\addcontentsline在列表末尾(\tocwithouttitle准确地说,在您的 之后)输入,则引用的页面是最后的一。

您的使用\textcolor是错误的:\textcolor{blue}{\tocwithouttitle}会出现很多错误,因为 LaTeX 会尝试在水平框中排版目录:就像\mbox{\tableofcontents}这样不能工作。


