Biblatex 无法与 XeLaTeX 编译并打印参考书目

Biblatex 无法与 XeLaTeX 编译并打印参考书目

我一直在测试biblatex如何更好地控制 BibTeX 提供的参考书目格式。因此,我一直在尝试编译它。问题是参考书目无法打印,但引用可以打印。这是我用来测试的文档的当前最小工作示例biblatex

% clear any old style settings
%new settings
\lhead{\footnotesize {Sebastian Stephenson}}
\rfoot{{\thepage} of \pageref{LastPage}}
%for hardvard style citation (check with a person at tutorial to see if what is being complied is ok)
% addfont Times New Roman
\setmainfont{Times New Roman}
    \title{The French New Wave}
    %to remove the date that is added when it gets complied
    %Because the maketitle command has been used, it automatically
    %issues \thispagestyle{plain} which overrides the fancy headings for
    %this page.  Must now tell Latex to override this
    The French New Wave represents a diverse...Two by Jean-Luc Godard: Á bout du shofflle(Breathless)\cite{godardfilmb}and Alphaville\cite{godardfilma} and one by Jacques Rivette called Céline et Julie vont en bateau (Céline and Julie Go Boating)\cite{rivettemovie}.

French New Wave would produce chain reactions around Europe\cite{newwavegen}. The work done during this period is important for medium of film.

    % \newpage
    \printbibliography% [nottype=video]
    % \defbibheading{Filmography}
    %   \printbibliography[type=video]


Package biblatex Warning: Data encoding is 'utf8'.
(biblatex)                Use backend=biber.


Package biblatex Warning: BibTeX reported the following issues
(biblatex)                with 'rivettesense':
(biblatex)                - Invalid format of field 'month'.

Package biblatex Warning: BibTeX reported the following issues
(biblatex)                with 'sensegodard':
(biblatex)                - Invalid format of field 'month'.

Package biblatex Warning: BibTeX reported the following issues
(biblatex)                with 'reviewgoboating':
(biblatex)                - Invalid format of field 'month'.

Package biblatex Warning: BibTeX reported the following issues
(biblatex)                with 'godardportrait':
(biblatex)                - Invalid format of field 'month'.

Package biblatex Warning: BibTeX reported the following issues
(biblatex)                with 'madmen':
(biblatex)                - Invalid format of field 'month'.


这就是他们条目的样子rivettesense。我确实更改了工作原始文件中 misc 中的条目类型,以尝试我也可以使用的新条目。在原始 bib 文件中,这应该位于@misc

author={Saul Austerlitz},
title={Jacques Rivette | Senses of Cinema},
publisher={Senses of Cinema},



引用手册第 2.2.2 节:



另一个警告相当简单:如果数据编码是utf8,则应使用 biber 而不是 BibTeX 作为后端。如果像您的情况一样使用 XeLaTeX,则更是如此。
