在 \foreach 中添加 CSV 列表时出现扩展问题

在 \foreach 中添加 CSV 列表时出现扩展问题



下面我定义了\AddToCommaSeparateList哪些用途\g@addto@macro按照如何保存字符串的运行列表,然后逐个处理它们。当在 之外使用时,它可以按我的意愿工作\foreach,并能正确处理包含逗号的列表成员:



但是当我尝试从 内部向此列表添加内容时\foreach,我遇到了扩展问题。答案似乎很明显,我只需要扩展添加到列表中的内容。嗯,这应该不太难,至少我是这么认为的。所以我定义了\ExpandedAddToCommaSeparateList,其中而不是

\g@addto@macro#1{{#2}}%      used in `\AddToCommaSeparateList`



好吧,就像扩展问题通常出现的情况一样(至少对我来说),事情并没有像预期的那样顺利进行。在下面的 MWE 中,我不得不求助于 来\xdef编译,但我只需要\edef



  • 我需要向宏添加什么神奇的\edefand/or组合才能在 a 外部和内部使用它?\expandafter\ExpandedAddToCommaSeparateList\foreach


  • 我认为这段代码似乎很长,但我认为这是由于注释,并且第一阶段只是为了测试代码在基本使用中是否按预期工作。
  • 问题输出以红色突出显示,它应该与蓝色输出相对应。
  • 我真的只想要一个可以在两种情况下(内部和外部)工作的宏版本\foreach。我真的不知道我会在哪里不是想要扩展(至少在我的用例中)。因此,我尝试在添加到列表的宏中处理扩展问题,而不是在 中处理\foreach



    % #1 = listname
    % #2 = code if list is empty
    % #3 = code if list is non-empty

    % #1 = listname
    % #2 = content to add to CSV list
    % Don't add a leading comma in list
    %  Extra brace group in case #2 contains a comma
\newcommand*{\ExpandedAddToCommaSeparateList}[2]{% with expansion?
    % #1 = listname
    % #2 = content to add to CSV list
    % Don't add a leading comma in list
    % Only need a \edef here, but usign \xdef to get this to compile
    %  Extra brace group in case #2 contains a comma
    MyList = \par
    \foreach \x in \MyList {\hspace*{1cm}\textcolor{#1}{\x}\par}


\noindent\textbf{Show that this works outside of foreach}\par
\AddToCommaSeparateList{\MyList}{4, 5, 6}

% Repeat just to ensure that that \ResetCommaSeparatedList works
\AddToCommaSeparateList{\MyList}{a, b, c}

But, when the content is added via a \verb|\foreach| there are 
expansion issues.
I want this to yield \textcolor{blue}{1, 2, 3}:

% --------------------------------- Problems start here
\foreach \x in {1,...,3} {%
    % A check is made here so that only certain ones get added
    % to the CSV list (omitted here as it is not relevant to issue)

Also, would prefer just one version of this macro, so this should 
produce results identical to the first output in blue above:
\ExpandedAddToCommaSeparateList{\MyList}{4, 5, 6}


\ExpandedMember没有和 没有 的替代版本\expandafter

\newcommand*{\ExpandedAddToCommaSeparateList}[2]{% with expansion?
    % #1 = listname
    % #2 = content to add to CSV list
    % Don't add a leading comma in list
    %  Extra brace group in case #2 contains a comma


LaTeX3 实现。有一个很大的变化:不再使用控制序列,而是为列表指定名称(为了统一,我还更改了几个宏名称)


\NewDocumentCommand{\ResetCommaSeparatedList} { m }
  \clist_gclear_new:c { g_grill_list_ #1 _clist }
\NewDocumentCommand{\AddToCommaSeparatedList} { m m }
  % #1 = listname
  % #2 = content to add to CSV list
  \clist_gput_right:cn { g_grill_list_ #1 _clist } { {#2} } 
\NewDocumentCommand{\ExpandedAddToCommaSeparatedList} { m m }
  % #1 = listname
  % #2 = content to add to CSV list
  \clist_gput_right:cx { g_grill_list_ #1 _clist } { {#2} }
\NewDocumentCommand{\DumpList} { O{black} m }
  #2 = \par
  \clist_map_inline:cn { g_grill_list_ #2 _clist }


\noindent\textbf{Show that this works}\par
\AddToCommaSeparatedList{MyList}{4, 5, 6}

% Repeat just to ensure that that \ResetCommaSeparatedList works
\AddToCommaSeparatedList{MyList}{a, b, c}

\foreach \x in {1,...,3} {%

\ExpandedAddToCommaSeparatedList{MyList}{4, 5, 6}




\NewDocumentCommand{\ResetList} { m }
  \seq_gclear_new:c { g_grill_list_ #1 _seq }
\NewDocumentCommand{\AddToList} { m m }
  % #1 = listname
  % #2 = content to add to list
  \seq_gput_right:cn { g_grill_list_ #1 _seq } { #2 } 
\NewDocumentCommand{\ExpandedAddToList} { m m }
  % #1 = listname
  % #2 = content to add to list
  \seq_gput_right:cx { g_grill_list_ #1 _seq } { #2 }
\NewDocumentCommand{\DumpList} { O{black} m }
  #2 = \par
  \seq_map_inline:cn { g_grill_list_ #2 _seq }


\noindent\textbf{Show that this works}\par
\AddToList{MyList}{4, 5, 6}

% Repeat just to ensure that that \ResetList works
\AddToList{MyList}{a, b, c}

\foreach \x in {1,...,3} {%

\ExpandedAddToList{MyList}{4, 5, 6}


\NewDocumentCommand{\ExpandedOnceAddToList} { m m }
  % #1 = listname
  % #2 = content to add to list
  \seq_gput_right:co { g_grill_list_ #1 _seq } { #2 }


\foreach \x in {\Gx,\Gy,\Gz} {%





    % #1 = listname
    % #2 = code if list is empty
    % #3 = code if list is non-empty

    % #1 = listname
    % #2 = content to add to CSV list
    % Don't add a leading comma in list
    %  Extra brace group in case #2 contains a comma
\newcommand*{\ExpandedAddToCommaSeparateList}[2]{% with expansion?
    % #1 = listname
    % #2 = content to add to CSV list
    % Don't add a leading comma in list
    % Only need a \edef here, but usign \xdef to get this to compile
    %  Extra brace group in case #2 contains a comma
    MyList = \par
    \foreach \x in \MyList {\hspace*{1cm}\textcolor{#1}{\x}\par}


\noindent\textbf{Show that this works outside of foreach}\par
\AddToCommaSeparateList{\MyList}{4, 5, 6}

% Repeat just to ensure that that \ResetCommaSeparatedList works
\AddToCommaSeparateList{\MyList}{a, b, c}

But, when the content is added via a \verb|\foreach| there are 
expansion issues.
I want this to yield \textcolor{blue}{1, 2, 3}:

% --------------------------------- Problems start here
\foreach \x in {1,...,3} {%
    % A check is made here so that only certain ones get added
    % to the CSV list (omitted here as it is not relevant to issue)

Also, would prefer just one version of this macro, so this should 
produce results identical to the first output in blue above:
\ExpandedAddToCommaSeparateList{\MyList}{4, 5, 6}



% You can change \mywrapper to format added items:
% Expand new item while adding:
  \par MyList = \par
  % PGF's \foreach will normally assume \MyList to contain the elements of 
  % the list. Since a list may be made up of \macro items, \foreachfox 
  % doesn't make that assumption. So you would need to tell it to expand 
  % the list. This can be done using the keys 'list is a macro', 
  % 'expand list once', 'expand list twice', etc.
  \foreachfox [list is a macro] \MyList {%
\def\MyListOfValues{Rancheria, Paiute, Pascua, Paskenta}

\noindent\textbf{Show that this works outside of foreach}\par
\AddToCommaList\MyList{4, 5, 6}

% Repeat printing:
\AddToCommaList\MyList{a, b, c}


\foreachfox {1,...,4,A,...,D} {%
  % Decide if new item should be added:

\AddToCommaList\MyList{4, 5, 6}





