如何添加 7 位作者的姓名?

如何添加 7 位作者的姓名?

你好,我有一张包含 ACM SIG Proceedings 模板的两列表格http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates

这是我针对六位作者的代码,我的问题是我有第七位作者,我不确定如何很好地添加它,是否可以挤压第二行(也许字体更小)以允许 4 位作者?


\title{Paper title}



% 1st. author
Author Name\\
       \affaddr{This is Author School Name}\\
       \email{[email protected]}
% 2nd. author
Author Name\\
       \affaddr{This is Author School Name}\\
       \email{[email protected]}
% 3rd. author
Author Name\\
       \affaddr{This is Author School Name}\\
       \email{[email protected]}
\and  % use '\and' if you need 'another row' of author names
% 4th. author
Author Name\\
       \affaddr{This is Author School Name}\\
       \email{[email protected]}
% 5th. author
Author Name\\
       \affaddr{This is Author School Name}\\
       \email{[email protected]}
% 6th. author
Author Name\\
       \affaddr{This is Author School Name}\\
       \email{[email protected]}







\title{Paper title}


% 1st. author
Author Name\\
       \affaddr{This is Author School Name}\\
       \email{[email protected]}
% 2nd. author
Author Name\\
       \affaddr{This is Author School Name}\\
       \email{[email protected]}
% 3rd. author
Author Name\\
       \affaddr{This is Author School Name}\\
       \email{[email protected]}
\and  % use '\and' if you need 'another row' of author names
% 4th. author
Author Name\\
       \affaddr{This is Author School Name}\\
       \email{[email protected]}
% 5th. author
Author Name\\
       \affaddr{This is Author School Name}\\
       \email{[email protected]}
% 6th. author
Author Name\\
       \affaddr{This is Author School Name}\\
       \email{[email protected]}
% 7th. author
Author Name\\
       \affaddr{This is Author School Name}\\
       \email{[email protected]}



我建议不要将第四位作者挤进第二行,因为这样会显得拥挤。其他选择是放在\and第二位和第五位作者之后,或者放在第三位和第五位作者之后。请注意,不鼓励在标题后显示超过六位作者,正如在此 ACM 页面
