我正在用 Ti 整理一个多月日历钾Z 并且看到月份标签中有一些尴尬和不受欢迎的对齐,尽管使用了month label above centered
我在下面以最小的上下文重现了我的代码。 两个问题:这是怎么回事?我该如何纠正这种对齐?
\tikzstyle{week list sunday}=[
% Note that we cannot extend from week list,
% the execute before day scope is cumulative
execute before day scope={%
\ifdate{day of month=1}{\ifdate{equals=\pgfcalendarbeginiso}{}{
% On first of month, except when first date in calendar.
execute at begin day scope={%
% Because for TikZ Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6,
% we can't directly use \pgfcalendarcurrentweekday,
% but instead we define \c@pgf@counta (basically) as:
% (\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday + 1) % 7
\advance\c@pgf@counta by 1
% Shift to the right position for the day.
execute after day scope={
% Week is done, shift to the next line.
% But not if it's already the last day of the month.
\ifdate{end of month=1}{}{
% This should be defined, glancing from the source code.
\tikzoption{day headings}{\tikzstyle{day heading}=[#1]}
\tikzstyle{every calendar}=[week list sunday,
month label above centered,
month text=\textbf{\%mt~\%y-},
day xshift = 0.5cm,
day letter headings]
\tikzstyle{every day}=[anchor=base]
\tikzstyle{day heading}=[]
\tikzstyle{day letter headings}=[
execute before day scope={ \ifdate{day of month=1}{%
\foreach \d/\l in {0/S,1/M,2/T,3/W,4/T,5/F,6/S} {
\node[every day,day heading]{\l};%
% ==================================================
\calendar (K) [dates=2013-01-01 to 2013-03-last]
if (weekend) [black!40];
\draw[black](K-2013-01-21) circle (0.6em);
\draw[black](K-2013-02-13) circle (0.6em);
\draw[black](K-2013-03-10) circle (0.6em);
\draw[black](K-2013-03-31) circle (0.6em);
\tikzstyle{week list sunday}=[
% Note that we cannot extend from week list,
% the execute before day scope is cumulative
execute before day scope={%
\ifdate{day of month=1}{\ifdate{equals=\pgfcalendarbeginiso}{}{
% On first of month, except when first date in calendar.
execute at begin day scope={%
% Because for TikZ Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6,
% we can't directly use \pgfcalendarcurrentweekday,
% but instead we define \c@pgf@counta (basically) as:
% (\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday + 1) % 7
\advance\c@pgf@counta by 1
% Shift to the right position for the day.
execute after day scope={
% Week is done, shift to the next line.
% But not if it's already the last day of the month.
\ifdate{end of month=1}{}{
% This should be defined, glancing from the source code.
\tikzoption{day headings}{\tikzstyle{day heading}=[#1]}
\tikzstyle{every calendar}=[week list sunday,
month label above centered,
month text=\textbf{\%mt~\%y-},
day xshift = 0.5cm,
day letter headings]
\tikzstyle{every day}=[anchor=base]
\tikzstyle{day heading}=[]
\tikzstyle{day letter headings}=[
execute before day scope={ \ifdate{day of month=1}{%
\foreach \d/\l in {0/S,1/M,2/T,3/W,4/T,5/F,6/S} {
\node[every day,day heading]{\l};%
% ==================================================
\calendar (K) [dates=2013-01-01 to 2013-03-last]
if (weekend) [black!40];
\draw[black](K-2013-01-21) circle (0.6em);
\draw[black](K-2013-02-13) circle (0.6em);
\draw[black](K-2013-03-10) circle (0.6em);
\draw[black](K-2013-03-31) circle (0.6em);
我认为这是 pgf 中的一个错误。您使用键month label above centered
\tikzset{month label above centered/.style={%
execute before day scope={%
\ifdate{day of month=1}{%
\advance\pgf@xb by-\pgf@xa%
every month/.append style={anchor=base}
,这是造成错位的原因。如果您month label above centered
,您将获得正确的对齐。这是您修改后的 MWE:
\tikzstyle{week list sunday}=[
% Note that we cannot extend from week list,
% the execute before day scope is cumulative
execute before day scope={%
\ifdate{day of month=1}{\ifdate{equals=\pgfcalendarbeginiso}{}{
% On first of month, except when first date in calendar.
execute at begin day scope={%
% Because for TikZ Monday is 0 and Sunday is 6,
% we can't directly use \pgfcalendarcurrentweekday,
% but instead we define \c@pgf@counta (basically) as:
% (\pgfcalendarcurrentweekday + 1) % 7
\advance\c@pgf@counta by 1
% Shift to the right position for the day.
execute after day scope={
% Week is done, shift to the next line.
% But not if it's already the last day of the month.
\ifdate{end of month=1}{}{
% This should be defined, glancing from the source code.
\tikzoption{day headings}{\tikzstyle{day heading}=[#1]}
\tikzstyle{every calendar}=[week list sunday,
% Replace this:
% month label above centered
% With this modified extract from 'tikzlibrarycalendar.code.tex':
execute before day scope={%
\ifdate{day of month=1}{%
\advance\pgf@xb by-\pgf@xa%
% \pgftransformxshift{-1.5ex}% Removed misalignment
every month/.append style={anchor=base}
% End of replacement text. Comma follows.
month text=\textbf{\%mt~\%y-},
day xshift = 0.5cm,
day letter headings]
\tikzstyle{every day}=[anchor=base]
\tikzstyle{day heading}=[]
\tikzstyle{day letter headings}=[
execute before day scope={ \ifdate{day of month=1}{%
\foreach \d/\l in {0/S,1/M,2/T,3/W,4/T,5/F,6/S} {
\node[every day,day heading]{\l};%
% ==================================================
\calendar (K) [dates=2013-01-01 to 2013-03-last]
if (weekend) [black!40];
\draw[black](K-2013-01-21) circle (0.6em);
\draw[black](K-2013-02-13) circle (0.6em);
\draw[black](K-2013-03-10) circle (0.6em);
\draw[black](K-2013-03-31) circle (0.6em);