我正在重新创建一个使用许多合并单元格 (excel) 的表格,但实际上,这是一个令人反感的创作,违反了大多数(如果不是全部)表格格式规则。有人能建议这种分组单元格方法的替代布局吗?
\caption{Add caption}
\multirow{6}[1]{*}{\begin{sideways}40\% of index\end{sideways}} & \multirow{6}[1]{*}{\begin{sideways}\textbf{Exposure Index}\end{sideways}}
& 30\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Surface temperature} \\
& & 10\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Access to Green Space} \\
& & 10\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Tree Canopy Shading} \\
& & 18\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Dwellings in high rises (>5 storeys)} \\
& & 18\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Rented dwellings in older high-rises (after 1986)} \\
& & 15\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Population density} \\
\multirow{24}[3]{*}{\begin{sideways}60\% of index\end{sideways}} & \multirow{24}[3]{*}{\begin{sideways}\textbf{Sensitivity Index}\end{sideways}} & 25\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Low income persons (2005, after tax LICO)} \\
& & 5\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Low income persons among children (aged 0-5)} \\
& & 5\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Renter Household Spending >=50\% of income on housing} \\
& & 5\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Low-income renters spending >=50\% of income on housing} \\
& & 10\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Persons not speaking English} \\
& & 5\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Recent immigrants (2001-2006)} \\
& & 5\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{No high school certificate among adults (aged 25+)} \\
& & 5\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Racialized groups} \\
& & 10\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Disability among persons age 25-64} \\
& & 5\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Emergency visits 2004-2008 for circulatory disease (age standardized rate)} \\
& & 5\% & \multicolumn{3}{l}{Emergency visits 2004-2008 for respiratory disease (age standardized rate)} \\
& & \multirow{13}[1]{*}{15\%} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\multirow{13}[1]{*}{\begin{sideways}\textbf{Senior Sensitivity Index}\end{sideways}}} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{10\%} & Frail seniors (age 75+ with a disability) among total population in private households \\
& & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{10\%} & Low income (2005, after tax LICO) and living alone among seniors (age 65+) \\
& & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{20\%} & Low income among seniors \\
& & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{10\%} & Low income among seniors living alone \\
& & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{5\%} & Senior families paying >= 30\% on housing \\
& & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{5\%} & Unattached seniors paying >= 30\% on housing \\
& & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{10\%} & Seniors not speaking English \\
& & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{5\%} & Recent immigrants (1996-2006) among seniors \\
& & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{5\%} & No high school certificate among seniors \\
& & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{5\%} & Seniors in racialized groups \\
& & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{5\%} & Unattached seniors with disability \\
& & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{5\%} & Disability among persons age 65-74 \\
& & & \multicolumn{1}{c}{} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{5\%} & Emergency visits 2004/05 among persons age 65-74 \\
- 行距和
- 规则的选择可以更加美观。
- 我
在百分比和百分号之间添加了 。 >= 00
被转换为$ \le 00 $
(和类似)- 您可能想要用于
$ \le 00 $
\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{r@{ }r@{ }r@{ }X}
40\,\% & & & Exposure Index \\ \midrule
& 30\,\% & & Surface temperature \\
& 10\,\% & & Access to Green Space \\
& 10\,\% & & Tree Canopy Shading \\
& 18\,\% & & Dwellings in high rises ($ > 5$ storeys) \\
& 18\,\% & & Rented dwellings in older high-rises (after 1986) \\
& 15\,\% & & Population density \\ \addlinespace
60\,\% & & & Sensitivity Index \\ \midrule
& 5\,\% & & Low income persons among children (aged 0--5) \\
& 5\,\% & & Renter Household Spending $\ge 50\,\%$ of income on housing \\
& 5\,\% & & Low-income renters spending $\ge 50\,\%$ of income on housing \\
& 10\,\% & & Persons not speaking English \\
& 5\,\% & & Recent immigrants (2001--2006) \\
& 5\,\% & & No high school certificate among adults (aged 25+) \\
& 5\,\% & & Racialized groups \\
& 10\,\% & & Disability among persons age 25--64 \\
& 5\,\% & & Emergency visits 2004--2008 for circulatory disease (age standardized rate) \\
& 5\,\% & & Emergency visits 2004--2008 for respiratory disease (age standardized rate) \\
& 15\,\% & & Senior Sensitivity Index \\
\cmidrule{2-4} & & 10\,\% & Low income (2005, after tax LICO) and living alone among seniors ($ > 65$) \\
& & 20\,\% & Low income among seniors \\
& & 10\,\% & Low income among seniors living alone \\
& & 5\,\% & Senior families paying $\ge 30\,\%$ on housing \\
& & 5\,\% & Unattached seniors paying $\ge 30\,\%$ on housing \\
& & 10\,\% & Seniors not speaking English \\
& & 5\,\% & Recent immigrants (1996--2006) among seniors \\
& & 5\,\% & No high school certificate among seniors \\
& & 5\,\% & Seniors in racialized groups \\
& & 5\,\% & Unattached seniors with disability \\
& & 5\,\% & Disability among persons age 65--74 \\
& & 5\,\% & Emergency visits 2004/05 among persons age 65--74 \\
或者更微妙。另请参阅修订版 2。
40\,\% & & & Exposure Index \\ \midrule
& 30\,\% & & Surface temperature \\
& 10\,\% & & Access to Green Space \\
& 10\,\% & & Tree Canopy Shading \\
& 18\,\% & & Dwellings in high rises ($ > 5$ storeys) \\
& 18\,\% & & Rented dwellings in older high-rises (after 1986) \\
& 15\,\% & & Population density \\ \toprule
60\,\% & & & Sensitivity Index \\ \midrule
& 5\,\% & & Low income persons among children (aged 0--5) \\
& 5\,\% & & Renter Household Spending $\ge 50\,\%$ of income on housing \\
& 5\,\% & & Low-income renters spending $\ge 50\,\%$ of income on housing \\
& 10\,\% & & Persons not speaking English \\
& 5\,\% & & Recent immigrants (2001--2006) \\
& 5\,\% & & No high school certificate among adults ($ \ge 25$) \\
& 5\,\% & & Racialized groups \\
& 10\,\% & & Disability among persons age 25--64 \\
& 5\,\% & & Emergency visits 2004--2008 for circulatory disease (age standardized rate) \\
& 5\,\% & & Emergency visits 2004--2008 for respiratory disease (age standardized rate) \\
& 15\,\% & & Senior Sensitivity Index \\ \midrule
& & 10\,\% & Low income (2005, after tax LICO) and living alone among seniors ($ > 65$) \\
& & 20\,\% & Low income among seniors \\
& & 10\,\% & Low income among seniors living alone \\
& & 5\,\% & Senior families paying $\ge 30\,\%$ on housing \\
& & 5\,\% & Unattached seniors paying $\ge 30\,\%$ on housing \\
& & 10\,\% & Seniors not speaking English \\
& & 5\,\% & Recent immigrants (1996--2006) among seniors \\
& & 5\,\% & No high school certificate among seniors \\
& & 5\,\% & Seniors in racialized groups \\
& & 5\,\% & Unattached seniors with disability \\
& & 5\,\% & Disability among persons age 65--74 \\
& & 5\,\% & Emergency visits 2004/05 among persons age 65--74 \\ \bottomrule