如何为顶部带有标签的 2 个表格创建一个命令,并为下面的选项创建一个命令?我所说的例子是:
\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} % http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry
\usepackage{lipsum,tabularx,array} % http://ctan.org/pkg/{lipsum,tabularx}
\usepackage{multicol,enumitem} % enables multicolumns and custom enumeration
Write the following in its proper places.\\[2ex]
% This defines the new column type to have the words Good and Bad centered to fit what the OP wants.
% Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to have it in a single table. Probably a using \multicolumn might work.
Good & Bad
& \\[5cm] % Increase or decrease the table height
% Declare the options here
\item Smoking
\item Drinking liquor
\item Exercise
\item Studying
\item Fighting
\item Vegetables
\item Crying
\item Sitting
\item Lying
\item Honest
\item Brave
\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} % http://ctan.org/pkg/geometry
\usepackage{lipsum,tabularx,array} % http://ctan.org/pkg/{lipsum,tabularx}
\usepackage{multicol,enumitem,tikz} % TiKZ offers the \foreach command used below.
% Defining the table with 3 options: 2 for table headers and one for the desired height
% for the table.
#1 & #2
& \\[#3] % Increase or decrease the table height
% Offers a simple command to get the options for the table. The first option controls the
% controls the number of columns to be used and the last controls the data or options.
\foreach \tabopt in {#2}
\item \tabopt%
\tableoptions{5}{Smoking, Drinking Liquor, Exercise, Studying, Fighting, Vegetables, Crying, Sitting, Lying, Honest, Brave}