


        With generics the compiler has more information about the 
        types of the objects, so explicit casts don't have to be used 
        and the compiler can produce type safe code.

        What implications have the generics for the runtime 
        performance of the  program which uses them?

        \item With the generics the compiler can optimize the code for 
              used types. This and the omission of the casts are the 
              reasons why the code compiled with the generics is 
              \textbf{quicker} than the one compiled without.
        \item The usage of generics has \textbf{no implications} for 
              the runtime performance of the compiled programs.
        \item The improved flexibility and type safety means that the 
              compiler has to generate concrete implementation from 
              the generic template for each used type. This means 
              that applications start \textbf{a bit slower}.
        The Java Virtual Machine and the copiled byte code are Generics 
        agnostic. The comiled byte code does not differ from byte code 
        compiled from sources which don't use the generics.
        So using the generics has \textbf{no impact} on the runtime 
        performance of compiled Java code.





您可以尝试overprint环境(第 9.5 章,beamer 用户指南)。


        With generics the compiler has more information about the 
        types of the objects, so explicit casts don't have to be used 
        and the compiler can produce type safe code.

        What implications have the generics for the runtime 
        performance of the  program which uses them?

      \item With the generics the compiler can optimize the code for 
        used types. This and the omission of the casts are the 
        reasons why the code compiled with the generics is 
        \textbf{quicker} than the one compiled without.
      \item The usage of generics has \textbf{no implications} for 
        the runtime performance of the compiled programs.
      \item The improved flexibility and type safety means that the 
        compiler has to generate concrete implementation from 
        the generic template for each used type. This means 
        that applications start \textbf{a bit slower}.
      The Java Virtual Machine and the copiled byte code are Generics 
      agnostic. The comiled byte code does not differ from byte code 
      compiled from sources which don't use the generics.
      So using the generics has \textbf{no impact} on the runtime 
      performance of compiled Java code.



作为 Paul Gaborit 回答的补充,以及关于 Handout 的评论,Beamer 用户指南中是这样说的:

\onslide 命令的叠加规范必须是不相交的。这对于讲义来说可能是一个问题,因为在那里,所有叠加规范都默认为 1。如果您使用选项讲义,您可以通过将其他 \onslide 设置为 0 来禁用除一个 \onslide 之外的所有 \onslide。


\onslide<1| handout:1>
Some text for the first slide.\\
Possibly several lines long.
\onslide<2| handout:0>
Replacement on the second slide. Supressed for handout.




        With generics the compiler has more information about the 
        types of the objects, so explicit casts don't have to be used 
        and the compiler can produce type safe code.

        What implications have the generics for the runtime 
        performance of the  program which uses them?

        \item With the generics the compiler can optimize the code for 
              used types\ldots
        \item The usage of generics has \textbf{no implications} for 
              the runtime performance of the compiled programs.
        \item The improved flexibility and type safety means that the 
              compiler has to\ldots
        The Java Virtual Machine and the copiled byte code are Generics 
        agnostic. The comiled byte code does not differ from byte code 
        compiled from sources \ldots
