如何使用 tikz 绘制与现有角度同度的角度?

如何使用 tikz 绘制与现有角度同度的角度?
    \tikzstyle{help lines}+=[very thin]

    \coordinate[label={[label distance=0.5em]180:$A$}]
        (A) at (120:5);
    \coordinate[label={[label distance=0.5em]180:$B$}]
        (B) at (210:5);
    \coordinate[label={[label distance=0.5em]  0:$C$}]
        (C) at (335:5);
    \coordinate[label={[label distance=0.5em]  0:$D$}]
        (D) at ( 40:5);
    \coordinate[label={[label distance=0.5em]-90:$M$}]
        (M) at (intersection of A--C and B--D);

    \draw (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- (D) -- (A);
    \draw (A) -- (C) (B) -- (D);

在上述例子中,如何在 AC 上构造一个点 E 使得∠ADE = ∠BDC?





% Define the known points

% Find the intersection between AC and BD, save point as M

% Measure the angle BDC, save as \angleBDC

% Rotate A by \angleBDC around D, save point as E'
\tkzDefPointBy[rotation=center D angle \angleBDC](A)

%Find the intersection between AC and DE', save point as E



\tkzLabelPoints[below left](E)
