TikZ - 数独,圈出并用线连接一些单元格

TikZ - 数独,圈出并用线连接一些单元格






% Some customizable styles
    \tikzset {
        highlight/.style = {yellow, opacity=0.3},
        digit/.style = {minimum height = 5mm, minimum width=5mm, anchor=center },
        circle/.style = {draw=green!80!black, dotted, very thick},
        cross/.style = {red, opacity=.5, shorten >=1mm, shorten <=1mm, very thick, line cap=round},
        hint/.style={blue, font=\sf, minimum width=3mm, minimum height=3mm}

% Original code-----------------------------------------------------------
% Modified the \node to give a unique name to each one, which is the
% row number, a dash and the column number. E.g: 1-1, 4-5, etc.

        \foreach \n in {#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9} {
            \edef\x{\value{col} - 0.5}
            \edef\y{9.5 - \value{row}}
            \node[digit,name={\arabic{row}-\arabic{col}}] at (\x, \y) {\n};

% New code -------------------------------------------------------------
        \fill[highlight] (#1-#2.north west) rectangle (#1-#2.south east);

        \draw[circle] (#1-#2) circle(4mm);

        \draw[cross] (#1-#2.north west) -- (#1-#2.south east);
        \draw[cross] (#1-#2.north east) -- (#1-#2.south west);

       \fill[highlight] (#1-1.north west) rectangle (#1-9.south east);

        \fill[highlight] (1-#1.north west) rectangle (9-#1.south east);

        \node at (#1-#2) {\hintbox{#3}};

        \fill[highlight] (#1-#2.north west) rectangle (#3-#4.south east);

% UGLY code. Do not read :-)
            \foreach \m in {1,...,9} {
                \foreach \n in {#1} {
                        \node[hint] at (\x,\y) {\n};
                      \node[hint, opacity=0.1] at (\x,\y) {\m};


            \draw (0, 0) grid (9, 9);
            \draw[very thick, scale=3] (0, 0) grid (3, 3);

    % Single entries
            \setrow {7}{4}{ }  { }{8}{ }  { }{ }{5}
            \setrow { }{ }{ }  {4}{ }{6}  { }{ }{ }
            \setrow { }{ }{1}  { }{2}{ }  {4}{ }{ }

            \setrow { }{6}{ }  { }{ }{ }  { }{2}{ }
            \setrow {5}{ }{8}  { }{7}{ }  {1}{ }{3}
            \setrow { }{3}{ }  { }{ }{ }  { }{9}{ }

            \setrow { }{ }{4}  { }{5}{ }  {9}{ }{ }
            \setrow { }{ }{ }  {1}{ }{2}  { }{ }{ }
            \setrow {3}{ }{ }  { }{9}{ }  { }{ }{8}

    % Hints
    %  * Row 1
    %  * Row 2
    %  * Row 3
    %  * Row 4
    %  * Row 5
    %  * Row 6
    %  * Row 7
    %  * Row 8
    %  * Row 9


代码来自TikZ - 在数独网格的一个单元格中放置多个数字



与 existent 类似,我定义了\circlecell一个新命令,\circlenumber该命令绘制一个圆圈并放置一个带标签的空节点:

% command to circle numbers:
% #1: optional -> circle color
% #2: mandatory -> cell identifier
% #3: mandatory -> name of the cell
        \draw[circle number=#1, radius=5mm] (#2) circle node[outer sep=1mm] (#3){};


% Circle some cell
% Connect
\foreach \source/\dest in {start/middle,middle/end}
    \draw[circle number=red!80!black] (\source)--(\dest);



% Some customizable styles
    \tikzset {
        highlight/.style = {yellow, opacity=0.3},
        digit/.style = {minimum height = 5mm, minimum width=5mm, anchor=center },
        circle/.style = {draw=green!80!black, dotted, very thick},
        circle number/.style = {draw=#1,very thick},
        cross/.style = {red, opacity=.5, shorten >=1mm, shorten <=1mm, very thick, line cap=round},
        hint/.style={blue, font=\sf, minimum width=3mm, minimum height=3mm}

% Original code-----------------------------------------------------------
% Modified the \node to give a unique name to each one, which is the
% row number, a dash and the column number. E.g: 1-1, 4-5, etc.

        \foreach \n in {#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9} {
            \edef\x{\value{col} - 0.5}
            \edef\y{9.5 - \value{row}}
            \node[digit,name={\arabic{row}-\arabic{col}}] at (\x, \y) {\n};

% New code -------------------------------------------------------------
        \fill[highlight] (#1-#2.north west) rectangle (#1-#2.south east);

        \draw[circle] (#1-#2) circle(4mm);

    % command to circle numbers:
    % #1: optional -> circle color
    % #2: mandatory -> cell identifier
    % #3: mandatory -> name of the cell
        \draw[circle number=#1, radius=5mm] (#2) circle node[outer sep=1mm] (#3){};

        \draw[cross] (#1-#2.north west) -- (#1-#2.south east);
        \draw[cross] (#1-#2.north east) -- (#1-#2.south west);

       \fill[highlight] (#1-1.north west) rectangle (#1-9.south east);

        \fill[highlight] (1-#1.north west) rectangle (9-#1.south east);

        \node at (#1-#2) {\hintbox{#3}};

        \fill[highlight] (#1-#2.north west) rectangle (#3-#4.south east);

% UGLY code. Do not read :-)
            \foreach \m in {1,...,9} {
                \foreach \n in {#1} {
                        \node[hint] at (\x,\y) {\n};
                      \node[hint, opacity=0.1] at (\x,\y) {\m};


            \draw (0, 0) grid (9, 9);
            \draw[very thick, scale=3] (0, 0) grid (3, 3);

    % Single entries
            \setrow {7}{4}{ }  { }{8}{ }  { }{ }{5}
            \setrow { }{ }{ }  {4}{ }{6}  { }{ }{ }
            \setrow { }{ }{1}  { }{2}{ }  {4}{ }{ }

            \setrow { }{6}{ }  { }{ }{ }  { }{2}{ }
            \setrow {5}{ }{8}  { }{7}{ }  {1}{ }{3}
            \setrow { }{3}{ }  { }{ }{ }  { }{9}{ }

            \setrow { }{ }{4}  { }{5}{ }  {9}{ }{ }
            \setrow { }{ }{ }  {1}{ }{2}  { }{ }{ }
            \setrow {3}{ }{ }  { }{9}{ }  { }{ }{8}

    % Hints
    %  * Row 1
    %  * Row 2
    %  * Row 3
    %  * Row 4
    %  * Row 5
    %  * Row 6
    %  * Row 7
    %  * Row 8
    %  * Row 9
    % Circle some cell
    % Connect
    \foreach \source/\dest in {start/middle,middle/end}
            \draw[circle number=red!80!black] (\source)--(\dest);

    % In background
    \circlenumber{5-9}{end 2}
            \draw[circle number=red!80!black] (middle)--(end 2);



