ConTeXt:如何设置交互模式来模拟 hyperref?

ConTeXt:如何设置交互模式来模拟 hyperref?

我已经准备了一个不言自明的 MWE 来检查interaction各种对象的模式ConTeXt ver: 2013.01.10 01:04 MKIVEvince文档查看器用于测试。


  1. 如何设置不同的颜色来区分不同类型的超链接,如浮动/引用/URL?

  2. 使链接以相同的缩放设置打开,而不是切换到FitHeight模式?指向章节/部分的链接以相同的缩放设置打开,同时将引用的对象放在屏幕的顶部。但是,指向浮动的链接会更改缩放设置并默认为FitHeight模式。

  3. 每个书目条目后的超链接页码列表,用于返回到引用该条目的页面(backref中的选项hyperref)。

  4. 在目录/浮点数列表中,章节/浮点数的编号应该是超链接,而不是整行(就像在 MWE 中发生的那样)。

我希望通过在 中设置简单的参数来回答上述所有问题context。这就是我将它们全部归为一类的原因。


\setuppublications[alternative=num, refcommand=authornum]



\section[chap:one]{Emulating {\tt hyperref}}

Please refer \cite[me13b] for no particular reason. Is
there {\tt backref} like facility in \CONTEXT so that
there is a clickable list of page numbers after each
reference to come back to the page on which it was referred.

Anything hyperref can do, \CONTEXT\ can do natively.
May be I ought to search \from[garden].

\placefigure[here][fig:dummy]{Dummy figure}{\externalfigure[dummy]}

\subject{Various Lists}
I would like {\em only} the chapter/section/subsection/float numbers
to be clickable in the TOC and List of floats. Presently, the entire
line is hyperlinked.

Lets check a footnote now\footnote{Though typographically not
recommended, footnotes are never the less handy at times.}. When I click
on the footnote number, the page opens in {\tt FitHeight} mode instead of  putting
the footnote on screen in the current zoom settings. Same thing happens
when I click on the footnote to come back.
Now, lets refer to the figure \in[fig:dummy] which is in chapter
\in[chap:one] titled \about[chap:one] on page \at[chap:one].
When I click any of the {\tt chapter} related links in {\tt FitWidth} mode,
it takes me nicely to the chapter name still in {\tt FitWidth} mode. However,
when I click on the figure number, it switches back to {\tt FitHeight} mode.
Ideally, one would like a link to take me to the refered object in the currect
zoom level.



        title = {This bibliography in context}, 
        author = {Convert, Recent},
        journal = {Tex SX},
        volume = {1},
        number = {1}, 
        pages = {1-11}, 
        year = {2013},


  1. 如何设置不同的颜色来区分不同类型的超链接,如浮动/引用/URL?

    \definereferenceformat[infigure][style=bold, color=green]
  2. 使链接以相同的缩放设置打开,而不是切换到 FitHeight 模式?指向章节/部分的链接以相同的缩放设置打开,同时将引用的对象放在屏幕的顶部。但是,指向浮动对象的链接会更改缩放设置并默认为 FitHeight 模式。


  3. 每个书目条目后的超链接页码列表,用于返回到引用该条目的页面(backref中的选项hyperref)。


    以前在 MkII 中可以工作,但是当 bib 模块转换为 MkIV 时它就坏了。只要给出确切的规范,重新实现它并不困难(参见这次讨论

  4. 在目录/浮点数列表中,章节/浮点数的编号应该是超链接,而不是整行(就像在 MWE 中发生的那样)。

