



Undefined control sequence \startpostponing


PS 我也尝试过\afterpage{},但是效果不太好。


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 \begin{tabular}{ | p{4cm} | p{5cm} | p{5cm} | p{4.5cm} |}

My table


 \begin{tabular}{ | p{4cm} | p{5cm} | p{5cm} | p{4.5cm} |}
\hiderowcolors \textbf{Examples} & \textbf{How it works} & \textbf{Technologies} & \textbf{On the market} \\ \hline \showrowcolors


 \\ \hline
    \caption{Examples of IoT.}



boxhandler 包可以满足您的所有需求。[请注意,我在第一篇帖子发表后的第二天编辑了这篇文章,提供了一个改进的版本,除了提前定义图形应出现在哪些页面上之外,不需要用户干预。] 在下面给出的这个 MWE 中,图形将出现在第 1、3 和 4 页,如文档序言中定义的那样。

\bxfigure{Here is my caption}
  {\fbox{Here is my figure material}}
\bxfigure{Here is my another caption}
  {\fbox{Here is some more figure material}}
\bxfigure{Here is my third caption}
  {\fbox{Here is yet more figure material}}
  {\equal{\csname figpage\roman{figure}\endcsname}{\thepage}}%
The \textsf{boxhandler} package has figure (and table) deferral options.
By using \verb|\holdFigures|, figures may be defined but are not output.
They are only output with a \verb|\nextFigure| or if you want the
backlog cleared out, with \verb|\clearFigures|.

Note that in this MWE, I first create all the figures in the
preamble using the \verb|\bxfigure| command, with
\verb|\holdFigures| active.  I have created a command
\verb|\checkpage| which is automatically invoked with every
\verb|\par|.  If the page is a predefined value, the next figure is
printed.  To predefine what pages the figures will printout, the
user need merely define the variables, using a roman suffix of
(figure$- 1$)\\

\verb|\def\figpage{1}   % First  figure on page 1|\\
\verb|\def\figpagei{3}  % second figure on page 3|\\
\verb|\def\figpageii{4} % third  figure on page 4|\\

Notice in this document that nowhere, after \verb|\begin{document}|
is a figure call invoked anywhere.  Yet the figures show at their
assigned locations.

Here is text

more text

still more text


这是第 1 页顶部的快照

