如何在 minipage 中的 tabularx 下左对齐脚注

如何在 minipage 中的 tabularx 下左对齐脚注

我是 LaTeX 新手,尝试使用 tabularx 以两列格式创建表格。我正在迷你页面中创建表格,以便脚注可以显示在底部。一切正常,但表格下的脚注是右对齐的,我更喜欢它们与表格左对齐。我浏览了几篇帖子和论坛,但没弄明白。任何建议都会有所帮助。



     \parindent 1em
    %\hb@[email protected]{\hss\@makefnmark}#1}



    X\dotfill X

    X\dotfill X
    \caption{Questionnaire summary}
    \begin{tabularx}{1\linewidth} {l c C C L} 
     \textbf{PID}\footnote{Participant ID}&\textbf{Challenge}\footnote{on a five-point Likert Scale 1-Not at all challenging and 5-Very challenging} &\textbf{Difference}\footnote{difference perceived by the participant as the movement progressed from \textit{source} to \textit{target}} &\textbf{Usefulness of embedded object}\footnote{on a five-point Likert Scale 1-Not at all useful and 5-Very useful} &\textbf{Point toughest to reach}\footnote{brackets indicate the Segment number corresponding to the point} \\
     PID1&2&Yes&3&6 (Seg 5)\\
     PID2&4&No&5&2 (Seg 1)\\
     PID3&3&Yes&4&4 (Seg 3)\\
     PID4&3&No&4&2 (Seg 1)\\

*File List*
IEEEtran.cls 2012/11/21 V1.8c by Harald Hanche-Olsen and Anders Christensen
ot1ptm.fd 2001/06/04 font definitions for OT1/ptm.
tabularx.sty 1999/01/07 v2.07 `tabularx' package (DPC)
array.sty 2008/09/09 v2.4c Tabular extension package (FMi)
booktabs.sty 2005/04/14 v1.61803 publication quality tables




脚注设置由正在使用的类控制(您没有显示)请始终发布完整的文档。在articleIEEEtran类中,脚注设置为左对齐但缩进 1.8em,您可以按如下方式删除缩进。



    \parindent 1em%
%    \hb@[email protected]{\hss\@makefnmark}#1}


X\dotfill X

X\dotfill X

   \caption{Questionnaire summary}
   \begin{tabularx}{1\linewidth} {l c C C L} 
   \textbf{PID}\footnote{Participant ID}&\textbf{Challenge}\footnote{on a five-point Likert Scale 1-Not at all challenging and 5-Very challenging} &\textbf{Difference}\footnote{difference perceived by the participant as the movement progressed from \textit{source} to \textit{target}} &\textbf{Usefulness of embedded object}\footnote{on a five-point Likert Scale 1-Not at all useful and 5-Very useful} &\textbf{Point toughest to reach}\footnote{brackets indicate the Segment number corresponding to the point} \\
    PID1&2&Yes&3&6 (Seg 5)\\
    PID2&4&No&5&2 (Seg 1)\\
    PID3&3&Yes&4&4 (Seg 3)\\
    PID4&3&No&4&2 (Seg 1)\\


上面的图像是使用 IEEETran 1.6 (2007) 生成的,1.8 (2012) 中的脚注代码略有不同,但如果您希望脚注编号左对齐,则上述定义仍然适用,并且图像基本保持不变。\listfiles输出:(请注意,这是一个比您报告的 2012/12/27 而不是 2012/11/21 稍微更新的版本,也许有些东西已经修复了......

 *File List*
IEEEtran.cls    2012/12/27 V1.8 by Michael Shell
  ot1ptm.fd    2001/06/04 font definitions for OT1/ptm.
tabularx.sty    1999/01/07 v2.07 `tabularx' package (DPC)
   array.sty    2008/09/09 v2.4c Tabular extension package (FMi)
booktabs.sty    2005/04/14 v1.61803 publication quality tables




      % table contents here

   \caption{Caption text here.} 
   \hspace{-13.5em}\small\textsuperscript{*Footnote text here.}
