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\title[Gene Gain and Loss in the White Rust Pathogen]{Gene Gain and Loss during Evolution of Obligate Parasitism in the White Rust Pathogen of \textit{Arabidopsis thaliana}}
\subtitle[]{\scriptsize Eric Kemen, Anastasia Gardiner, Torsten Schultz-Larsen, Ariane C. Kemen, 
\\Alexi L. Balmuth,
Alexandre Robert-Seilaniantz, Kate Bailey, Eric Holub,\\ David J. Studholme, Dan MacLean,
Jonathan D. G. Jones}
\date[30/01/2013]{30$^\text{th}$ January 2013}
\institute{Imperial College London}




\frametitle{Study Background}

\section{Study Background}
\item It has been proposed, but not shown, that obligate biotrophy results from:
\item Reduced selection for maintenance of biosynthetic pathways \pause
\item Gain of mechanisms to evade host recognition or suppress host defence \pause 
\item Previous research on powdery mildew fungus \textit{Blumeria graminis} or downy mildew oomycete \textit{Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis} reveals a close correlation between the parasitism and massive gene losses in primary and secondary metabolism

\section{Study Methodology}
\frametitle{Study Methodology}


\section{Study Results}
\frametitle{Study Results}


\section{Author's Discussion}
\frametitle{Author's Discussion}



\framesubtitle{Implications, and Future Directions}






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可以将 LaTeX 命令调整为更“感知覆盖”,即它每帧只产生一次预期效果 - 通常使用这种做法是为了计数器需要在每个覆盖中保持其值。但在这种情况下,更简单的解决方案是更好的解决方案:只需将命令移出\section环境frame(就像您对后面的\section命令所做的那样)。
