我使用 JabRef 来引用参考文献。我将它们导出为.bib
文件并导入 LyX。它们都正确排序并在文中引用得很好。但是,当我查看论文的实际参考书目部分时,它们看起来非常丑陋:有些有 URL,有些有多余的空格,看起来很不专业。有没有办法让所有打印的参考文献都具有相同的字段和格式?
以下是两个 bibtex 条目:
author = {Adrian, Tobias And Rosenberg, Joshua},
title = {Stock Returns and Volatility: Pricing the Short-Run and Long-Run
Components of Market Risk},
journal = {The Journal of Finance},
year = {2008},
volume = {63},
pages = {2997--3030},
number = {6},
doi = {10.1111/j.1540-6261.2008.01419.x},
issn = {1540-6261},
owner = {home},
publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Inc},
timestamp = {2013.01.31},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1540-6261.2008.01419.x}
author = {Ang, Andrew and Chen, Joseph and Xing, Yuhang},
title = {Downside Risk},
journal = {Review of Financial Studies},
year = {2006},
volume = {19},
pages = {1191-1239},
number = {4},
abstract = {Economists have long recognized that investors care differently about
downside losses versus upside gains. Agents who place greater weight
on downside risk demand additional compensation for holding stocks
with high sensitivities to downside market movements. We show that
the cross section of stock returns reflects a downside risk premium
of approximately 6% per annum. Stocks that covary strongly with the
market during market declines have high average returns. The reward
for beasring downside risk is not simply compensation for regular
market beta, nor is it explained by coskewness or liquidity risk,
or by size, value, and momentum characteristics. (<I>JEL</I> C12,
C15, C32, G12)},
doi = {doi:10.1093/rfs/hhj035},
owner = {home},
timestamp = {2013.01.31},
url = {http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/oup/revfin/2006/00000019/00000004/art01191}
LyX 文件:
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%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
问题的一部分似乎是某些条目比其他条目包含更多信息:即 URL 等。我是否必须编辑每一个条目,或者是否可以运行 BibTeX 以仅显示条目的某些方面以使它们全部相同?
参考文献的样式与文件中的数据(或 JabRef 等程序)关系不大.bib
如果你的文档中出现 URL(例如在参考文献中),你可以添加
Document > Settings... > LaTeX Preamble
)。然后,像您的第二个参考文献中的长 URL 将有一个正确的换行符。如果使用包“hyperref”,则不需要,请参阅强制在 \url 中换行。如果“看起来不专业的多余空格”指的是参考文献中每个字段后的换行符,则删除文档选项
会有所帮助(在 LyXDocument > Settings... > Document Class
);请参阅Natbib 将参考数据放在每项一行中或者自定义参考资料页面,附加换行符。当然,可以在 LyX 中通过右键单击“BibTeX 生成的参考书目”然后选择“设置...”来选择不同于“plainnat”的参考书目样式。
尽管如此,您可以对您的文件进行一些编辑(使用 JabRef):应清除“ADRIAN2008”的 URL,因为它复制了 DOI 条目。(在 JabRef 中,非空 URL 字段会显示一个带有超链接的可点击图标。如果 URL 字段为空但 DOI 字段不为空,则仍会显示一个可点击图标。它会
http://dx.doi.org/<DOI field value>
自动提供超链接。)破折号:- 与 – 与 —:
pages = {1191-1239}
应pages = {1191--1239}
适合破折号的长度。doi = {doi:10.1093/rfs/hhj035}
应该doi = {10.1093/rfs/hhj035}