强制 \item[{\texttt{}] 内的长文本换行

强制 \item[{\texttt{}] 内的长文本换行

我有一个 LaTeX 文档,它是自动生成的,然后作为我自己的较大文档的一部分插入\input。另一个文档有一个示例描述环境,每个示例一个项目。问题是其中一些示例很长,超出了纸张边距。这是一个例子,


\item[{\texttt{bp\_genbank\_ref\_extractor --transcripts=accession '"homo sapiens"[organism] AND H2B'}}] \mbox{}

Search Entrez gene with the query \texttt{'"homo sapiens"[organism] AND H2B'}, and
save their transcripts sequences. Note that default value of \textbf{--limit} may only extract
some of the hits.

\item[{\texttt{bp\_genbank\_ref\_extractor --transcripts=accession --proteins=accession --format=fasta '"homo sapiens"[organism] AND H2B' '"homo sapiens"[organism] AND MCPH1'}}] \mbox{}


该文档是使用 perl 脚本的 POD 文档自动生成的pod2latex


包中enumitem有一个选项descriptionstyle=unboxed,这样 的内容\item[...]就被包装起来了。也可以通过重新定义 来避免这种情况\descriptionlabel,尽管我不认为断线会被缩进(我倾向于让它们脱颖而出,所以当我使用非常长的标题时,我会让文本在标题后的下一行开始。


以下适用于memoir以及标准文档类(articlebookreport)。它避免使用\itemdescription 标签(作为可选参数传递),而是取消跳过通常在设置后插入的空格。这里的原因是,默认情况下,标签\item设置在框中,不会跨越行边界。


  \item[{\texttt{bp\_genbank\_ref\_extractor --transcripts=accession '"homo sapiens"[organism] AND H2B'}}] \par
    Search Entrez gene with the query \texttt{'"homo sapiens"[organism] AND H2B'}, and
    save their transcripts sequences. Note that default value of \textbf{--limit} may only extract
    some of the hits.

  \item \hspace*{-\labelsep}%
    \textbf{\texttt{bp\_genbank\_ref\_extractor --transcripts=accession '"homo sapiens"[organism] AND H2B'}} \par
    Search Entrez gene with the query \texttt{'"homo sapiens"[organism] AND H2B'}, and
    save their transcripts sequences. Note that default value of \textbf{--limit} may only extract
    some of the hits.

  \item {\hspace*{-\labelsep}\raggedright
    \textbf{\texttt{bp\_genbank\_ref\_extractor --transcripts=accession '"homo sapiens"\hspace{0pt}[organism] AND H2B'}} \par}
    Search Entrez gene with the query \texttt{'"homo sapiens"[organism] AND H2B'}, and
    save their transcripts sequences. Note that default value of \textbf{--limit} may only extract
    some of the hits.




如果您可以更改输入文件,我建议不要使用列表,而是使用分段命令。这还可以防止在“标题”和条目文本之间出现分页符。下面是使用\minisecKOMA 类命令的示例:


\minisec{bp\_genbank\_ref\_extractor --transcripts=accession '"homo sapiens"[organism] AND H2B'}
Search Entrez gene with the query \texttt{'"homo sapiens"[organism] AND H2B'}, and
save their transcripts sequences. Note that default value of \textbf{--limit} may only extract
some of the hits.

\minisec{bp\_genbank\_ref\_extractor --transcripts=accession --proteins=accession --format=fasta '"homo sapiens"[organism] AND H2B' '"homo sapiens"[organism] AND MCPH1'}
Search Entrez gene with the query \texttt{'"homo sapiens"[organism] AND H2B'}, and
save their transcripts sequences. Note that default value of \textbf{--limit} may only extract
some of the hits.

