如何在表格单元格中将文本旋转 90 度

如何在表格单元格中将文本旋转 90 度

在 Microsoft Word 中我有一个具有以下结构的表格。


现在,我需要在 LaTex 中制作一个类似的表格来提交出版物,我尝试使用以下代码,

\documentclass[twoside,12pt]{article}%                         *
\usepackage{graphicx}%                                           *

%===============Table Starts====================================
Table 1. This is a table 
\begin{tabular}{l rrrrrrrr}\hline
\rotatebox{90}{Number of 
Married Years}  & \rotatebox{90}{Observed Frequency (Year 1)}   & \rotatebox{90}{Expected Poisson Frequency (Year 1)} & 
\rotatebox{90}{Expected Binomal Frequency (Year 1)} & \rotatebox{90}{Expected Normal Frequency (Year 1)}    & \rotatebox{90}{Observed Frequency (Year 2)} & \rotatebox{90}{Expected Poisson Frequency (Year 2)} & \rotatebox{90}{   Expected Binomial
Frequency (Year 2) } & \rotatebox{90}{Expected Normal Frequency (Year 2)}\\\hline
            0     & x     & y     & z     & a     & b     & c     & d     & e \\
            1     & x     & y     & z     & a     & b     & c     & d     & e \\
            2     & x     & y     & z     & a     & b     & c     & d     & e \\
            3     & x     & y     & z     & a     & b     & c     & d     & e \\\hline







\usepackage{graphicx}% http://ctan.org/pkg/graphicx
\newcommand{\spheading}[2][10em]{% \spheading[<width>]{<stuff>}
  \rotatebox{90}{\parbox{#1}{\raggedright #2}}}
%===============Table Starts====================================
Table 1. This is a table 
  \begin{tabular}{l *{8}{r}}
    \spheading{Number of Married Years} & 
    \spheading{Observed Frequency (Year 1)} & 
    \spheading{Expected Poisson Frequency (Year 1)} & 
    \spheading{Expected Binomal Frequency (Year 1)} & 
    \spheading{Expected Normal Frequency (Year 1)} & 
    \spheading{Observed Frequency (Year 2)} & 
    \spheading{Expected Poisson Frequency (Year 2)} & 
    \spheading{Expected Binomial Frequency (Year 2)} & 
    \spheading{Expected Normal Frequency (Year 2)} \\
    0     & x     & y     & z     & a     & b     & c     & d     & e \\
    1     & x     & y     & z     & a     & b     & c     & d     & e \\
    2     & x     & y     & z     & a     & b     & c     & d     & e \\
    3     & x     & y     & z     & a     & b     & c     & d     & e \\

