我正在使用 urw-garamond mathdesign 包,它不支持斜体小写字母。有没有合适的替代品?我试过 slantsc 包,但没有成功。
你可以用 TikZ 伪造小写字母。以下示例来自texample.net
。它是由 Berteun Damman 撰写的。
% Author: Berteun Damman
% Faking slanted small caps using TikZ low level transforms.
% If you externalize figures this will give a new figure for
% each usage!
% The transform says:
% x' = 1x + 0.22y + 0pt
% y' = 0x + 1y + 0pt
% This gives a slant - adjust the value for each font!
\node[inner sep=0pt] (N) {\textsc{#1}};%
% In italicized environments normal small caps often looks wrong because of
% its upright shape. A solution is to simply use all-uppercase in these
% environments, but this too is ugly. Using TikZ one can fake a slant. This
% is not that great, but better than nothing.
% Note that http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/kpfonts/ for example
% provides a font which has slanted small caps by default.
The \textsc{gcd} of two numbers can be used to find
the \textsc{lcm} of these numbers.
The \textscsl{gcd} of two numbers can be used to find
the \textscsl{lcm} of these numbers.
We can use \textit{\textsc{small caps in italic}}.