\usepackage[head=122.5pt, headsep=-40pt, top=1.6in, bottom=.7in, left=1in, right=1in]{geometry}
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\usepackage{fancyhdr} % This is a special package for headers / footers.
% first page header
\fancyhead{} % print nothing on top-left and top-right of the first page.
\fancyhead[C]{ Company \\ Street Address \\ City, State ~ Zip \\~\\ Tel. / Fax.: ~ (xxx) xxx-xxxx \\ [email protected] \\~\\ \today }
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% second page header
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\fancyhead[L] {Name of Recipient \\ \today \\ Page {\thepage\ of {\pageref{LastPage}}} \vspace*{.9in} }
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如果您查看 的内部结构geometry
包含对 的调用\Gm@changelayout