打开 PDF 并指定书签

打开 PDF 并指定书签








我想知道是否有某种\hyperset{}调用可以告诉 PDF 阅读器打开文档,在\phantomsection标签处start of doc(在下面的 MWE 中)。

下面的参考资料部分有一个类似标题问题的链接,但我不知道如何使用它打开特定书签。一种解决方案是计算坐标并使用\hypersetup{XYZ=left top zoom},但想知道是否有更简单的方法。

下面的 MWE 有一个书签,如果您单击它,它将带您到我希望文档自动打开的位置。



\usepackage[paperwidth=6.0in, paperheight=25in]{geometry}


This part at the top of the file contain information related to
this file including:
    \item file name,
    \item file version,
    \item edit history,
    \item list of things still to be completed, etc..
And this info can be quite long, in a few cases.
So the PDF should open with the following rule at the top.

\label{start of doc}
\pdfbookmark{Start of Doc}{start of doc}
\textbf{Begin of Actual Document:}

This is the start of the actual document, the info
above can be quite long, so I would prefer that the 
document open to this point in the page.

\textbf{Dummy text to fill page:}


FitH有一个可以使用 计算的垂直位置参数\hypercalcbp。示例使用zref-savepospdfTeX 或 XeTeX 包(支持\pdfsavepos)来获取垂直位置:

\usepackage[paperwidth=6.0in, paperheight=25in]{geometry}
  \hypersetup{pdfstartview=FitH \hypercalcbp{\zposy{start}sp}}%

This part at the top of the file contain information related to
this file including:
    \item file name,
    \item file version,
    \item edit history,
    \item list of things still to be completed, etc..
And this info can be quite long, in a few cases.
So the PDF should open with the following rule at the top.

\label{start of doc}
\pdfbookmark{Start of Doc}{start of doc}
\textbf{Begin of Actual Document:}

This is the start of the actual document, the info
above can be quite long, so I would prefer that the
document open to this point in the page.

\textbf{Dummy text to fill page:}
