

如果我有一个小列表,恰好位于页面末尾,我该如何强制 LaTeX 将其放在新页面上,以便它不会跨越两页,这对于小列表来说看起来很丑陋。




\usepackage{blindtext}% only for demo

\textheight=10cm% only for demo

\vspace{2cm}% only for demo
Now comes the listing which is a float.






另一方面,我编写了一个名为的样式numberedblock.sty,但我从未将其上传到 CTAN。我已使用\makeatletterand\makeatother语法将其包含在此示例中。它将确保您的代码片段不会跨页面,因为它将内容(内部)放入框中。您可能会发现它很有用:

%\ProvidesPackage {numberedblock} [2007/03/16 v1.01]
% by Steven B. Segletes, for the public domain.
% numberedblock provides several routines 
% intended to print out a block of code with a unique,
% sequentially indexed label.  The code block is printed to the left,
% with the block label printed centered vertically on the code block,
% horizontally right-justified.  Each line of code is not numbered... 
% rather, the block of code gets a single label.
% There are three parameters with which the user may freely alter:
% 1) maxblocklabelsize is a length set aside for the code-block labels.
%    If it is too small, the label will run off the right margin; too large
%    and it limits the width of the code block itself.  However, by setting
%    this parameter to a negative value, it will force the label to be
%    offset into the right margin, which may be a desirable feature.
% 2) blockindent is a length defining the left-side indent to be used
%    for the code block to be printed.
% 3) blocklabel is the command that actually formats the block label to
%    the desired appearance.  Currently, italicized numbers are used within
%    non-italicized square brackets to comprise the block label.
% There is a command-line version called numblock, which cannot
% handle verbatim input.  And there is an environment called numVblock
% which handles cases invloving verbatim input
% An example of how to use numberedblock is given below.  The
% double-backslash is used for linebreaks in the code. Tildes need to
% be used for hard spaces under two conditions: when the code contains
% multiple sequential spaces; and if a space follows a period (which
% would otherwise invoke end-of-sentence spacing considerations).  In
% addition, special LaTeX characters need to be quoted in the
% appropriate manner of LaTeX.
%   \numblock{Line 1 of code\\Line 2 of code\\Line 3...}
% In contrast, the numVblock environment is a verbatim environment:
%   \begin{numVblock}{
%         program test
%         implicit none
%         integer a, x
%         a = 0
%         x = 1
%      10 a = a + x
%         if (a .eq. 100) stop
%         goto 10
%         end
%   \end{numVblock}
% The font used for the code block itself is the ttfamily (typewriter)
% of fixed-width characters.  The counter named blocknum is used to
% index the code block sequence.

  \parindent 0in
  \begin{tabular}{@{\hspace{\blockindent}} l @{} r @{}}
      \begin{tabular*}{\codeblockwidth}{@{} l @{}}
     & \makebox[\maxblocklabelsize]{\hfill\blocklabel{blocknum}}\\

\parindent 0.3in

This is a test of the \textsf{numberedblock} style packcage, which is
specially designed to produce sequentially numbered BLOCKS of code (note
the individual code lines are not numbered, but the whole block gets a
single number, for later reference (much in the same way that equations
can get numbered in a document).  While specialized for numbering code
blocks, the commands can actually number other items, as well, in fact
anything that fits in a \LaTeX{} box.

If the code block contains no special characters, one can simply use the
command form, called \verb,\numblock,.  It cannot handle verbatim text,
but must use standard \LaTeX{} escape sequences (for line breaks,
contiguous spaces, special characters, etc.).  It puts the output in a
tt font , which is the same used in the verbatim environment:

\numblock{This text is the\\argument to the command\\where double
slashes have been\\used for line breaks}

Most useful, however, there is also the \verb,numVblock, environment,
which handles verbatim text, as seen in the next example:

This is the numVblock 
environment, which         (<--see contiguous spaces here)
succeeds in
incorporating verbatim text like
@##$%*$%$()||}{?><\\    \end{numVblock}

As envisioned the \verb,numVblock, environment would be ideally suited
for displaying small code blocks as part of documentation.  The code can
contain contiguous spaces and special characters:

      program test
      implicit none
      integer a, x
      a = 0
      x = 1
   10 a = a + x
      if (a .eq. 100) stop
      goto 10

Below, I test the \verb,\numblock, command with the argument as a
box, rather than as formatted text.

\numblock{\fbox{Testing, 1,2,3 testing a box}}

Don't forget, there are settable parameters to define the block
left-indent, the format of the label, and (if needed) the labels' max


