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\huge Spatial Planning in the Netherlands \\ % The assignment title
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\section{What are the criteria that Needham (2007) uses to assess Dutch Planning?}
According to the article, there are two types of criteria for evaluation of Dutch spatial planning:

\subsection{Focusing on overall results and effects of planning. This category is consisted of three fundamental measures:}
\item Accomplishment of goals and objectives of  spatial planning, 
\item To which extent cost is utilized, 
\item To what extent benefits and advantages of planning process are spread.  





  1. 不打印日期:写\date{}在序言中。
  2. 要使用正常字体和左对齐方式显示章节标题:更改行

\allsectionsfont{\centering \normalfont\scshape}


将来,每个“TeX.SE 问题”请仅发布一个问题。在同一个“TeX.SE 问题”中询问两个不相关的主题(即日期和标题格式)被认为是不好的做法。

