是否可以让 LaTeX 反向读取切片?

是否可以让 LaTeX 反向读取切片?

我想在读书时做笔记(仅供内部使用)。为了方便起见,我想在 PDF 输出的第一页上写下我正在阅读的当前主题的笔记,以避免按 END 按钮转到最后一页。对不起。我有点懒得使用单独的文件进行分段。这是我的真实情况。因此,必须按如下方式反转标题结构。


\chapter{Book Printing versus Ordinary Typing}

% end of chapter 1
\section{Pronounction of \TeX}
    \TeX\ is often pronounced \textipa{/\textprimstress t\textepsilon k/} in English.

\section{Root of the name \TeX}
\TeX\ is the upper case of $\tau\epsilon\chi$ which is a Greek word that means art as well as technology.

\chapter{The Name of the Game}


简单来说,LaTeX 是否可以反向读取标题结构?我的意思是,我希望 LaTeX 能够像下面这样读取上面的代码。

\chapter{The Name of the Game}

\section{Root of the name \TeX}
\TeX\ is the upper case of $\tau\epsilon\chi$ which is a Greek word that means art as well as technology.

\section{Pronounction of \TeX}
    \TeX\ is often pronounced \textipa{/\textprimstress t\textepsilon k/} in English.


% end of chapter 1

\chapter{Book Printing versus Ordinary Typing}



% begin
\section{Root of the name \TeX}
\TeX\ is the upper case of $\tau\epsilon\chi$ which is a Greek word that means art as well as technology.
% end








\chapter{Book Printing versus Ordinary Typing}

% end of chapter 1
\section{Pronounction of \TeX}
    \TeX\ is often pronounced \textipa{/\textprimstress t\textepsilon k/} in English.

\section{Root of the name \TeX}
\TeX\ is the upper case of $\tau\epsilon\chi$ which is a Greek word that means art as well as technology.

\chapter{The Name of the Game}
