\usepackage{tikz, pgfplots}
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, decorations.markings, calc, fadings, decorations.pathreplacing, patterns,decorations.pathmorphing, positioning}
\begin{tikzpicture}[line join = round, line cap = round, >=triangle 45]
\filldraw[blue, opacity = .3] (0,0) circle (2cm);
\draw[dashed] (-4,0) -- (5,0);
\begin{scope}[decoration = {markings, mark = at position 0.25 with {\arrow{>}},
mark = at position 0.75 with {\arrow{>}},
mark = at position 0.2 with {\node[draw, circle, inner sep = .05cm, fill = white
, scale = .75] {1};}, }]
\draw[postaction = decorate] (0,0) circle (2.5cm);
\filldraw[black] (2.5,0) circle (.05cm);
\node[scale = .75] at (2.7,.2) {$A$};
\begin{scope}[decoration = {markings, mark = at position 0.25 with {\arrow{>}},
mark = at position 0.75 with {\arrow{>}},
mark = at position 0.2 with {\node[draw, circle, fill = white, inner sep = .05cm, scale = .75]
mark = at position 0.35 with {\filldraw[black] circle (.05cm);}, } ]
\draw[postaction = decorate] (0,0) circle (3.75cm);
\filldraw[black] (3.75,0) circle (.05cm);
\node[scale = .75] at (3.95,.2) {$B$};
\filldraw[black] (-3.75,0) circle (.05cm);
\node[scale = .75] at (-3.95,.2) {$C$};
\usetikzlibrary{arrows, decorations.markings, calc, fadings, decorations.pathreplacing, patterns,decorations.pathmorphing, positioning}
\begin{tikzpicture}[line join = round, line cap = round, >=triangle 45]
\filldraw[blue, opacity = .3] (0,0) circle (2cm);
\draw[dashed] (-4,0) -- (5,0);
\begin{scope}[decoration = {markings,
mark = at position 0.2 with {\node[draw, circle, inner sep = .05cm, fill = white, scale = .75] {1};},
mark = at position 0.25 with {\arrow{>}},
mark = at position 0.75 with {\arrow{>}}
\draw[postaction = decorate] (0,0) circle (2.5cm);
\filldraw[black] (2.5,0) circle (.05cm);
\node[scale = .75] at (2.7,.2) {$A$};
\begin{scope}[decoration = {markings,
mark = at position 0.2 with {\node[draw, circle, fill = white, inner sep = .05cm, scale = .75] {2};},
mark = at position 0.25 with {\arrow{>}},
mark = at position 0.35 with {\filldraw[black] circle (.05cm);},
mark = at position 0.75 with {\arrow{>}}
\draw[postaction = decorate] (0,0) circle (3.75cm);
\filldraw[black] (3.75,0) circle (.05cm);
\node[scale = .75] at (3.95,.2) {$B$};
\filldraw[black] (-3.75,0) circle (.05cm);
\node[scale = .75] at (-3.95,.2) {$C$};
直接引用自章节30.5 任意标记(第 328 页)pgfmanual