

我需要使用很多marginpars,结果却遇到了“未处理浮点数太多”的错误。我已经在使用设置为 的morefloats包,但有时还不够。我想一个解决方案可能是强制s 出现在声明它们的位置(就像浮点数的选项一样)。maxfloats100marginparH



另一个注意事项:\FlatBarrier来自placeins包(与 结合morefloats)有帮助,但我需要找到如何放置它,以便它不会影响我的布局。通常,我只需要\marginpar在行首调用 时才调用它,这样可能会解决问题。



下面定义的命令\extrafloats是在 2015 年及以后的 LaTeX 版本中以乳胶格式定义的,因此无需此定义或包即可使用。

morefloats仅从经典 tex 计数器范围 0-255 中分配浮点数,并且由于 LaTeX 在格式中使用了许多这样的寄存器,因此最多只有大约 100 个,但由于 etex 通常可用,您实际上可以从扩展范围中分配浮点数,因此如果需要的话,可以有大约 32000 个。




\expandafter\mathchardef\csname bx@\the\float@count\endcsname\float@count
\@cons\@freelist{\csname bx@\the\float@count\endcsname}%


%\usepackage[maxfloats=100]{morefloats} not enough

\def\f{text text\par






借助 Donald Arseneau 的新 (MAR 13)tabto软件包改进,您可以立即执行 marginpars。我创建它\imarginpar就是为了这样做。也许它会有所帮助。此外,没有什么可以阻止您在两个边距中进行 marginpar'ing,只需更改参数即可\tabto


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blahThis is blah HERE IS THE TAB \imarginpar{margin note test record}
DONE THE TAB blah This is blah blahThis is blah blahThis is blah
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这是我从 Arseneau 先生那里得到的 tabto 的临时版本,包含新的长度\TabPrevPos

% tabto.sty
% version 1.3  (Mar 2013)
% Tabbing to fixed positions in a paragraph.
% Copyright 2006,2009,2012,2013 by 
% Donald Arseneau,   Vancouver, Canada ([email protected])
% Permission to use, distribute and modify this software is granted
% under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either 
% version 1.3 or (at your option) any later version.  The license is
% found at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt, and is part of all 
% recent distributions of LaTeX.
% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained' (by author).
% Two new text positioning commands are defined: \tabto and \tab.
% \tabto{<length>}
% Tab to a position relative to the left margin in a paragraph (any
% indentation due to a list or \leftskip is part of the `margin' in
% this context). If the text on the line already goes past the desired
% position, the tab starts a new line and moves to the requested
% horizontal position.
% \tabto*{<length>}
% Similar to \tabto, except it will perform backspacing, and over-
% print previous text on the line whenever that text is already
% longer than the specified length (i.e., no linebreak is produced).
% Line-breaks are suppressed immediately after \tabto or \tabto*.
% The length register "\CurrentLineWidth" will report the width
% of the existing text on the line, and it may be used in the
% <length> argument (using calc.sty, for example). Also, there
% is "\TabPrevPos" which gives the "\CurrentLineWidth" from the
% previous tab command, and can be used to return to that position
% if no line breaks have occurred in between.
% \tab
% Tab to the next tab-stop chosen from a list of tab positions, in
% the traditional style of typewriters.  A \tab will always move
% to the next tab stop (or the next line), even if it is already
% exactly at a tab stop. Thus, "\tab" at the beginning of a line,
% or "\tab\tab" elsewhere skips a position. A linebreak is permitted 
% immediately following a \tab, in case the ensuing text does not 
% fit well in the remaining space.
% If you do not want to skip positions, use "\tabto{\NextTabStop}"
% instead of "\tab".  This is particularly useful when you want to
% use \tab in some other command, but do not want to skip a column
% for the first item.
% The tab-stop positions are declared using either \TabPositions
% or \NumTabs:
% \TabPositions{<length>, <length>,...<length>}
% Declares the tab stops as a comma-separated list of positions 
% relative to the left margin. A tab-stop at 0pt is implicit, and 
% need not be listed.
% \NumTabs{<number>}
% Declares a list of <number> equally-spaced tabs, starting at the
% left margin and spanning \linewidth.  For example \NumTabs{2} 
% declares tab-stops at 0pt and 0.5\linewidth, the same as
% \TabPositions{0pt, 0.5\linewidth} or \TabPositions{0.5\linewidth}
% After these declarations, the list of tab positions is saved in
% \TabStopList, and the next tab position, relative to the current 
% position, is given by \NextTabStop.  You do not normally need
% to access them, but they are available.
% Problems:
% Tall objects after a tab stop may overlap the line abov, rather
% than forcing a greater separation between lines.

\ProvidesPackage{tabto}[2013/03/25 \space v 1.3 \space 
  Another tabbing mechanism]\relax


 \ifx\@tempa\@tempb % \tab* 
   \TTo@overlaptrue % ... set a flag and re-issue \tabto to get argument
   \ifinner % in a \hbox, so ignore
   \else % unrestricted horizontal mode
     \null% \predisplaysize will tell the position of this box (must be box)
     \predisplaypenalty\@M \postdisplaypenalty\@M
     $$% math display so we can test \predisplaysize
      \lineskiplimit=-999pt % so we get pure \baselineskip
      \abovedisplayskip=-\baselineskip \abovedisplayshortskip=-\baselineskip
      \belowdisplayskip\z@skip \belowdisplayshortskip\z@skip
        % get the width of the line above
        %\message{>>> Line \the\inputlineno\space -- \predisplaydirection\the\predisplaydirection, \predisplaysize\the\predisplaysize, \displayindent\the\displayindent, \leftskip\the\leftskip, \linewidth\the\linewidth. }%
        \ifdim\predisplaysize=\maxdimen % mixed R and L; call the line full
           \message{Mixed R and L, so line is full. }%
           \ifdim\predisplaysize=-\maxdimen % impossible, in vmode; call the line empty
             \message{Not in paragraph, so line is empty. }%
               \CurrentLineWidth\linewidth \advance\CurrentLineWidth\predisplaysize
             % Correct the 2em offset
             \advance\CurrentLineWidth -2em
             \advance\CurrentLineWidth -\displayindent
             \advance\CurrentLineWidth -\leftskip
        \ifdim\CurrentLineWidth<\z@ \CurrentLineWidth\z@\fi
        % Enshrine the tab-to position; #1 might reference \CurrentLineWidth
      \message{*** Tab to \the\@tempdimb, previous width is \the\CurrentLineWidth. ***}%
        % Save width for possible return use
        % Build the action to perform
                 \protect\newline \protect\null
        %\message{\string\TTo@action: \meaning \TTo@action. }%
        % get back to the baseline, regardless of its depth.
     % Don't count the display as lines in the paragraph
     \count@\prevgraf \advance\count@-4 \prevgraf\count@
     %%   \penalty\@m % to allow a penalized line break

% \tab -- to the next position
% \hskip so \tab\tab moves two positions
% Allow a (penalized but flexible) line-break right after the tab.
  \nobreak\hskip\z@\@plus 30\p@\penalty4000\hskip\z@\@plus-30\p@\relax}

% Expandable macro to select the next tab position from the list

  \expandafter \TTo@nexttabstop \TabStopList,\maxdimen,>%

\def\TTo@nexttabstop #1,{%


   \divide\@tempdimb by#1\relax
   \advance\@tempdimb 1sp % counteract rounding-down by \divide
   \@whiledim\CurrentLineWidth<\linewidth\do {%

% default setting of tab positions:

\newif\ifTTo@overlap \TTo@overlapfalse

