



    \global \@firstcolumnfalse
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                             \hskip\columnwidth \hskip\columnsep
      \@whilesw\if@fcolmade \fi

\section{Correct Headings}          
Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin
Some useless text that we are provingin 
\section{Wrong Headings}          
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{Another Part}        
Some useless text that we are provingin 
\section{LAst Part}  
Some useless text that we are provingin



    \global \@firstcolumnfalse
    \global \setbox\@leftcolumn \box\@outputbox
    \global \@firstcolumntrue
    \setbox\@outputbox \vbox {%
                         \hb@xt@\textwidth {\beginR%
                           \hb@xt@\columnwidth {%
                             \box\@leftcolumn \hss}%
                           {\normalcolor\vrule \@width\columnseprule}%
                           \hb@xt@\columnwidth {%
                             \box\@outputbox \hss}%
      \@whilesw\if@fcolmade \fi

\section{Correct Headings}          
Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin
Some useless text that we are provingin 
\section{Wrong Headings}          
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{Another Part}        
Some useless text that we are provingin 
\section{LAst Part}  
Some useless text that we are provingin


    \global \@firstcolumnfalse
    \global \setbox\@leftcolumn \box\@outputbox
    \global \@firstcolumntrue
    \setbox\@outputbox \vbox {%
                         \hb@xt@\textwidth {%
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                             \box\@outputbox \hss}%
                                          \hskip\columnwidth\hskip\columnsep   }%
      \@whilesw\if@fcolmade \fi

\section{Correct Headings}          
Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin
Some useless text that we are provingin 
\section{Wrong Headings}          
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{Another Part}        
Some useless text that we are provingin 
\section{LAst Part}  
Some useless text that we are provingin

我只对前两个例子中如何修复 TOC 感兴趣。


\shipout使\write写入节点按垂直列表中的顺序显示,而不是按视觉顺序显示,因此虽然您已通过\hskip-\textwidth此操作在视觉上交换了列,但写入顺序并未改变。除了这样做之外,您能否不按自然顺序输出列,而是使用指令 xetex(或 luatex 等效项)以使用 RTL 设置?

\hb@xt@\textwidth {\beginR%





    \global \@firstcolumnfalse
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                           \rlap{\hb@xt@\columnwidth {%
                             \box\@outputbox \hss}}%
                           {\normalcolor\vrule \@width\columnseprule}%
      \@whilesw\if@fcolmade \fi


\section{Correct Headings}          
Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin Some useless text that we are provingin
Some useless text that we are provingin 
\section{Wrong Headings}          
Some useless text that we are provingin
\section{Another Part}        
Some useless text that we are provingin 
\section{LAst Part}  
Some useless text that we are provingin
