我有一份报告的文档样式,需要将其复制到 LaTeX 格式。我使用的是 pdfLaTeX,仅供参考。本质上,该系统是段落与小节处于同一级别,直到一个部分的第一个小节,之后段落处于小节以下的级别。
1.00 第一部分
1.01 这是第一节中小节级别的段落。
1.02 这也是第一节中小节级别的段落。
1.03 第一小节
1.03.1 这是第一节第一小节的段落级别的段落。
1.03.2 这是第一节第一小节的段落级别的段落。
1.04 第二小节
1.04.1 这是第一节第二小节的段落级别的段落。
尽管我已经使用 LaTeX 很长时间了,但我还是无法掌握这种风格。我得到的是以下 MWE:
\usepackage{chngcntr} % change the display of counters
\counterwithin{paragraph}{subsection} % paragraphs counted within subsections
\arabic{section}.\two@digits{\arabic{subsection}} (\alph{table})%
\section{First Section}\label{sec:first}
\newpar This is a paragraph at subsection level in the first section.\label{intropar:first}
\newpar This is also a paragraph at subsection level in the first section.It comes after intropar \ref{intropar:first}. \label{intropar:second}
\subsection{First Subsection}\label{ssec:first}
\newpar This is a paragraph at paragraph level in subsection \ref{ssec:first} in section \ref{sec:first}.\label{par:first}
\newpar This is a paragraph at paragraph level in subsection \ref{ssec:first} in section \ref{sec:first}. It comes after paragraph \ref{par:first}.\label{par:second}.
\subsection{Second Subsection}\label{ssec:second}
\newpar This is a paragraph at paragraph level in subsection \ref{ssec:second} in section \ref{sec:first}. It comes after paragraphs \ref{par:first} and \ref{par:second}.\label{par:third}
\usepackage{chngcntr} % change the display of counters
%%% A conditional for knowing whether a \subsection
%%% command has been issued
%%% Set the conditional to true after \subsection
%%% and reset the paragraph counter
%%% Reset it to false after \section
%%% Tables
\section{First Section}\label{sec:first}
\newpar This is a paragraph at subsection level in the first section.\label{intropar:first}
\newpar This is also a paragraph at subsection level in the first section.It comes after
intropar \ref{intropar:first}. \label{intropar:second}
\subsection{First Subsection}\label{ssec:first}
\newpar This is a paragraph at paragraph level in subsection \ref{ssec:first} in section
\newpar This is a paragraph at paragraph level in subsection \ref{ssec:first} in section
\ref{sec:first}. It comes after paragraph \ref{par:first}.\label{par:second}
\subsection{Second Subsection}\label{ssec:second}
\newpar This is a paragraph at paragraph level in subsection \ref{ssec:second} in section
\ref{sec:first}. It comes after paragraphs \ref{par:first} and
\section{Second Section}
\newpar This is a paragraph at subsection level in the first section.
\newpar This is also a paragraph at subsection level in the first section.
\subsection{First Subsection}
\newpar This is a paragraph at paragraph level.
\newpar This is a paragraph at paragraph level.
\subsection{Second Subsection}
\newpar This is a paragraph at paragraph level in subsection.