\newcommand\mpar[1]{\marginpar{\flushleft\footnotesize #1}}
\newcommand{\absl}[2]{\textsuperscript{#1~}#2} % for last paragraphs
\art{1}{marginpar for article~1}{%
\abs{1}{The first line of the article text should be on the same line as the corresponding marginpar.}
\absl{2}{So this article is how it should be.}
\art{2}{Very\\long\\marginpar\\for article~2}{%
This article is okay, too. But if the marginpar uses more vertical space than this text...}
\art{3}{incorrect marginpar}{%
\abs{1}{...then this article text is not on the same line with its corresponding marginpar anymore.}
\absl{2}{Another paragraph.}
但也许这不是解决问题的办法。我也考虑过使用表格,但文档会双面和marginpars 应该始终位于页面的外部。也许有一种方法可以根据表格是在奇数页还是偶数页来切换表格的行,但我也找不到解决方案。
当然,我可以在文章之间使用 vspace,但由于它将是一个非常大的文档,所以我希望自动调整空间。
\settototalheight\marginalie{\parbox{\marginparwidth}{\footnotesize #2}}
\textbf{Art.\,#1}\\*[0.5ex]\clubpenalty=10000\marginpar{\flushleft\footnotesize #2}#3\par
\ifnum\difference>0 \vspace{\the\difference} \else \addvspace{1ex} \fi
\newcommand{\absl}[2]{\textsuperscript{#1~}#2} % for last paragraphs
\art{1}{marginpar for article~1}{%
\abs{1}{The first line of the article text should be on the same line as the corresponding marginpar.}
\absl{2}{So this article is how it should be.}
\art{2}{Very\\long\\marginpar\\for article~2}{%
This article is okay, too. But if the marginpar uses more vertical space than this text...}
\art{3}{incorrect marginpar}{%
\abs{1}{...then this article text is not on the same line with its corresponding marginpar anymore.}
\absl{2}{Another paragraph.}
以上是您的原始内容。“=====”下方是建议的修复,通过重新定义 实现\art
。[已编辑以修复左边距和 marginpar 中的 raggedright]。还请注意,通过使用\tabular
\newcommand\mpar[1]{\marginpar{\flushleft\footnotesize #1}}
\newcommand{\absl}[2]{\textsuperscript{#1~}#2} % for last paragraphs
\art{1}{marginpar for article~1}{%
\abs{1}{The first line of the article text should be on the same line as the corresponding marginpar.}
\absl{2}{So this article is how it should be.}
\art{2}{Very\\long\\marginpar\\for article~2}{%
This article is okay, too. But if the marginpar uses more vertical space than this text...}
\art{3}{incorrect marginpar}{%
\abs{1}{...then this article text is not on the same line with its corresponding marginpar anymore.}
\absl{2}{Another paragraph.}
\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{#3} & \parbox[t]{1in}{\raggedright\footnotesize#2}\\
\art{1}{marginpar for article~1}{%
\abs{1}{The first line of the article text should be on the same line as the corresponding marginpar.}
\absl{2}{So this article is how it should be.}
\art{2}{Very\\long\\marginpar\\for article~2}{%
This article is okay, too. But if the marginpar uses more vertical space than this text...}
\art{3}{incorrect marginpar}{%
\abs{1}{...then this article text is not on the same line with its corresponding marginpar anymore.}
\absl{2}{Another paragraph.}